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He could hear her footsteps behind him, and while this normally made him nervous, he put his bravest face on anyways. He turned to her, holding up his tablet computer so she could see the screen.

“Yes?” she asked coldly.

“Uhm, so, I was just reading online...and...like...you know...I’m part of this online community of other people who are...you know...like me and...”

“Spit it out,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“...and, well, there was this really interesting thread about...uhm...n-nice things that mommies and babies can do together. Like...well...we could always...”

Without even saying a word, she grabbed the tablet from his hand and threw it across the room.  The look on his face went from hopeful optimism to crushed despair.

“No,” she said.


“I am not your ‘mommy,’  I am your mistress.  Your master.  You are my slave.  You’d waste time looking up garbage like this instead of finding ways to please me?”

“I...I just...”

“Show me your diaper.”

He stood, his saturated diapers immediately exposed by his lack of pants - a decree while in her home.

“Disgusting  It’s only been, what, an hour since I last changed you?  Go to my room and await me.  Do not touch your diaper.”

“Y-yes, mistress,” he said, slinking off past her.

She wondered to herself, for a moment, if she had been too harsh.  Perhaps there was a softer side that she could show him.  She then laughed. No, this was as it should be.  It was, after all, what he begged for in the first place - to be her humiliated pet; her diapered slave.

She chose the heavy oaken paddle from the closet, the one with the holes in it.  It had been a while since she had used it.  Tonight seemed like the night.


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