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"...and so I told them that they could just charge my platinum card like it was no big deal," she said to her lady friends, and they all cackled in unison.  From the kitchen, I swallowed nervously.  I had been fearing this moment all day, but I was even more afraid of what would happen if I hadn't followed her instructions.  I sighed and stepped out into the living room where they sat in a semicircle, sipping their tea.

"Hello, Margaret?" I said bashfully, hoping to get her attention without little fanfare.

"Oh, Bradley.  Ladies, you remember my husband, Bradley, yes?"

The ladies all smiled and nodded politely.

"What can I do for you, dear Bradley?"

"Well...you had asked me to come get you if I...needed you."

The other girls looked at me curiously, and their eyes slowly drifted back to Margaret, as if in the hopes that she'd shed some more light on this mysterious conversation.

"Ah yes, I did say that, didn't I," she said with a playfully coy tone.  "Ladies, have I told you about my latest project with my dear husband Bradley?"

The ladies shook their heads "No," though I could see little smiles forming on their faces. Whatever it was - they wanted to hear more about it.

"Oh please, Margaret," I pleaded.  "Let's not talk about it in front of your friends."

"Bradley, do you think you're in any position to be making requests like that?"

"I...no, I suppose not."

The women looked very curious now.

"So," Margaret began with a smile, "recently, I had made the discovery that my husband has taken to stealing my undergarments and bringing them into our bathroom where he can...well...who knows what dirty things he does with them."

The ladies gasped and glanced back at me. More than one of them had their hands at their gaping mouths in shock.

"It was a little alarming to say the least," my wife continued, "but I thought that maybe I could introduce a little punishment and see if we could train him to not enjoy his naughty time in our bathroom at the expense of my silk panties.  So, effective yesterday, I've locked all the bathrooms in the house and I am now holding the keys."

"Well if you aren't allowing him to use the bathroom," said one of my wife's friends, Abigail, "then how does he...go?"

"I'm so glad you asked, Abby," my wife said, standing up.  "Bradley, do you care to tell the nice ladies what we're doing about that?"

"I...Margaret, you can't be serious?"

"Do you remember the rules?  Any disrespect to my wishes adds another week to the locks on the bathrooms."

Finally, defeated, I came out with the truth:  "I'm... to wear a diaper."

There was only silence at first, and then finally there were a few scattered chuckles among the ladies.

"So, if he's coming to you now," said another woman, Theresa, "does that mean that..."

"Oh yes," Margaret said.  "I do believe that means that my husband needs a diaper change.  Is that right, hubby?"

I could only nod.

"That's what I thought.  And what have you got in your diaper right now?  Did you make pee pee?  Or a poo poo?"

"Do you mean to tell me that he...has bowel movements...in his diaper?" asked Abby.

"He hasn't yet," Margaret said with a nod.  "It's only a matter of time though, I think.  You didn't answer my question, dear."

"I...I only wet the diaper."

"I see.  Well, as you can see, I'm a little busy with my lady friends right now.  Why don't you come back to me when you've filled that diaper up a little more, if you know what I mean.  Then we can talk about changing you."

"You're actually going to change his diapers?" asked Theresa.

"Why not? I've changed my children's diapers for years.  I'm an expert at this point.  It's the same I figure, just more of it."  Then, with her attention at me again:  "Go along now, Bradley.  You come back when you truly need a changing."

I slowly skulked away, back into the kitchen while feeling like I could cry.  From behind me, I could hear Abby asking how Margaret had managed to convince me to go along with this - she wanted to try something similar with her own husband, it seemed.


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