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Sooner or later, you ask:  “What if someone recognizes me?”  Well, you’re told, you shouldn’t worry about it.  Because if someone recognizes you from the work you do, then that says a lot about who they are and what they’re into.  They’re not going to call attention to you, because they don’t want you to call attention to them.

And so, for two years, nobody has ever approached me.  Ever.  Never while at the movies, never while at a baseball game.  Never while at a concert.  Not even at the grocery store, post office or bank.  Not once has someone come up to me and said:  “I recognize you.”

That’s a damn good thing too; my viewers have seen me at my worst - at their command.

One day, it finally happens. I’m shopping for a new coat at a department store and I hear an awkward male voice behind me:  “Uhm, excuse me?”  I sigh, and brace myself for the worst.  This is it, I think.  This is when my streak ends and someone finally confronts me.  I can just feel it.


“Are you...Missy Plum?”  That’s it.  That confirmed my worst suspicions.  Now, of course, Missy Plum wasn’t my real name.  I’m sure this pathetic boy, scrawny and bashful, knew that too.  Still, I had to give him a little credit.  He had, after all, the balls to confront me in the first place.  Maybe, once, just once, I would acknowledge a fan, face to face.

“Yes,” I said.  “Hello.”

“Oh wow, I can’t believe it’s you! I mean...I’m such a huge fan.  A huge fan!”

“Okay, keep it down,” I said, nervous that his excitement would bring attention our way.  There weren’t many people in our area, and those who were didn’t seem to care much.

“I’ve ordered videos from you many times!”

I paused for a moment.  My clients, they ordered videos on my website.  Whatever they wanted, I’d give it to them.  Almost all of it was fetish related things.  I had done everything in the interest of taking their money:  sat on cakes, masturbated with a video game controller, dressed like an angel while pissing into a glass…

“What is your username?” I asked.

He took a step closer, to minimize the space between us, and said in a hushed tone:  “PamperScout.”

Ah, yes, PamperScout.  A name I knew well.   He was one of my most frequent clients, and with every request, he had become more and more specific and demanding of what he wanted.  His first few videos were a little more vague:  “Put a diaper on and act like a baby.”  Ok, easy enough.  Then it got a little more detailed:  “While diapered, turn your back to the camera, and wiggle your diapered ass at it.  Then, drink from a bottle, while stating to the camera that you’re drinking Daddy’s special milk.”  It only got more and more detailed from there.

With each new request of his, my rate would increase.  We would exchange emails where I’d ask for clarifications on things, while advising him of other things I couldn’t do.  But he’d always come through with more money.  “I don’t think I can do this part here where you ask me to piss the diaper and then take it off and lick it.”  Then he would respond with: “Not even for another $100?” Then, I’d find myself licking my own pissy diaper.

“Look, I just want to say how much I appreciate your work.  It’s always top notch and…”  He suddenly turned to his side and stopped talking.  A panicked look came into his eyes.  “Okay,” he said, in a quieter voice, “my family is coming.  I’m really sorry, but I have to act like I don’t know you.”

He stepped away from me quickly and he met a woman and two children in one of the aisles.  I watched from where I stood.  His wife was a pretty girl.  A little conservative looking.  She was either boring or...completely ignored.  His children orbited them, talking to each other and making car noises as they zipped back and forth; neither could have been older than 5.  

I found myself getting angry.  Here was this guy with this family, who gets to go out shopping and act like he’s a proud family man.  Yet he has the audacity to breach the line between performer and client - especially alarming when considering how much money he had given me to shit in a pair of diapers and sit on it.

“I was thinking about getting this dress,” his wife said, holding up a garment on a hanger.

“I don’t know about that,” he said.  “How much is it?”

“It’s normally $69, but…”

“That seems like a bit much for a dress.”

“It’s 33% off though!  Today only!”

“I don’t know, Mary...It just seems like a lot for a dress.”  

She nodded and sighed, putting the dress back onto a rack.  I couldn’t see her face, but I didn’t need to.  Her body language was thick with defeat.  Seriously?  He wouldn’t allow her to buy a dress for about $40?  Coming from the guy who had paid over $650 for me to masturbate in a dirty diaper while pleading for “my daddy to come and change his big baby girl?”  I was furious. 

I suddenly found myself walking towards them hurriedly.  I didn’t even know what I was going to say yet, nor did I know what I was going to do.  But I felt compelled to do something.

“Well there you are,” I said to him.  I could suddenly sense his wife’s mood shifting from one of defeat to one of suspicion.  “It’s good to see you again!”

“I...uh...hello,” he said, clearly unsure of what to say. “Can I help you?”

“Daniel,” I said, recalling his name from my website’s billing logs, “it’s me, Missy Plum!”

“I’m sorry,” he said, “but I don’t quite...recall how you and I…”

“I’m sorry,” interrupted his wife, “who are you?”

“Missy Plum.  You know, I’m sorry.  Maybe this is a bad time,” I said with a shrug.  “Hey, you should look me up online sometime!  Daniel loves my website.  I bet you might like it too!”


“Alright, sorry for bothering you,” I said.  I turned and walked away, quickly.  I heard him calling out for me to stop, but I paid no mind.  He wasn’t going to follow me.  

I didn’t stop walking until I had left the store altogether and I was back in my car.  

I wondered, for a moment, if I had made a huge mistake.  Then again, maybe I hadn’t.  I was curious to see if PamperScout had any more videos to order.  Even more curious to know just how much she was going to like that dress that he would inevitably buy her to help placate her - not to mention every attempt he would make at proving his love for her after curiosity got the best of her and she found my website.

All in a day’s work.  I hadn’t gotten a coat, and I might have made an enemy.  I didn’t really have much time to think about that.  I had other things to do.  There was a video I had to make tonight where I covered myself in pie filling.


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