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His name was Wallace Stone, and I had seemed to have made an enemy of him in just my first week of college. Shortly after Sociology had ended one afternoon, and just after the professor had declared my grade to be the best in the class on our first quiz, he cornered me in the courtyard.

“You think you’re so smart?” he said.

“I...I never said that. I just, y’know, studied.”

“Figures,” he scoffed. “See, I didn’t study at all. I didn’t have to. And you only beat me by one point.”

“I didn’t think this was a competition,” I confessed with a shrug, “I just want to do well in Sociology.”

“I’m just saying, I’m smarter than you. I’m better than you. And I’m not a whiny baby like you.”

And with that, a strange one-sided rivalry was born. When his grades bested mine in a quiz or test, he made sure to gloat in my face and confront me after class to remark on how smart he was. However, in the times when my grade had been higher, he gave me death stares and warned me that he wasn’t to be trifled with. 

For the most part, I did my best to ignore him and the rivalry. I studied hard and earned the grades I had, and intended to keep it that way. Still, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I had a small sense of satisfaction everytime my grades surpassed his.

At last, with the Sociology final looming, I felt an incredible amount of pressure to do well - both for my own grade and to avoid the wrath of Wallace. I hunkered down in the library, surrounded by my notes and books and began to study like I had never studied before. That was, until Wallace’s shadow fell over my desk from behind me.

“If you think studying is going to help you beat me, you’re wrong.”

“I’m studying because I’m interested in doing well, Wallace,” I retorted. “Look, I’ve put up with your ridicule all semester, but enough is enough. Just let me study in peace so that I can finish the final, finish the class and move on without ever having to think about you again.”

“Yeah, you can go ahead and study all you want after I leave. But I’d like to make a proposition first.”

“Fine,” I said, exhausted and frustrated by Wallace’s very presence.

“Let’s make a bet. Let’s have some stakes. Let’s make it clear to each other, and everyone else, which one of us is best.”

I don’t know what came over me, maybe the anger I had towards him had finally bubbled over, but I foolishly said: “Fine. Name the stakes. Let’s settle this once and for all.”

"Well, for one thing, I’m sick and tired of you whining like a little baby. Maybe I ought to make you wear a diaper around campus.”

“A baby? Seriously,” I said. “Coming from you? The guy who can’t even take getting a lower grade than someone who doesn’t give a shit about your fictional rivalry?” An idea came to mind. Under less frustrated circumstances, I would’ve never suggested such a thing, but he had finally pushed all the right buttons.  “Fine. The loser wears a diaper on campus. The winner gets to spank the diapered loser.”

“Yeah? Fine. We have ourselves a bet.  Looking forward to spanking you like a little baby bitch,” he mocked.

I was so fired up that I was ready to study harder than I had ever studied before. My heart fluttered and my mind raced, and I suddenly found it hard to concentrate on the words I was reading. I had to win. I had to show him that I was smarter. I had to show him that I wasn’t some...baby. But now I was terrified. It was already so hard for me to fit in on campus, and I had already over-stressed about Wallace’s weird competition. Was I really going to allow the possibility for him to further humiliate me in front of everyone? I had only one choice...I had to cheat.  

The final came and went, and I spent more time creating a tiny cheat sheet with nearly indecipherable text than I had actually studying the content. I threw a few questions, for appearances, and then just crossed my fingers. there was nothing left to do but wait for the test results to be posted. Classes were over for the semester, and students were slowly leaving campus for a short winter reprieve. I was sticking around, at least for a few more days, but I had my fingers crossed that Wallace had already gone home.

At last, the results had been posted. A 94. I was proud of myself, especially as my finger glided past the assorted 70s and 80s of our class.  My hard, if not questionable, work  and loathing for Wallace had turned out to be quite beneficial. However, as I approached the end of the list on my laptop screen, my eyes began to widen:

W. Stone: 95%

Impossible! By one percent? He couldn’t possibly expect me to submit to him after such a minuscule victory. And if I had achieved my score with cheating, surely he did as well...right? I tried to put it out of my mind. I told myself that Wallace probably wasn’t on campus anymore. He probably forgot about the bet anyways. Or, at least, he’d have forgotten about it by the time he returned to campus. Just...keep my head down, I told myself, and eventually this would pass.

But, of course, it wasn’t to be that simple. I opened the door of my dorm to head out for dinner that night, only to find Wallace waiting for me.

“W-Wallace,” I said, trying my hardest not to be nervous.

“One point,” he said, backing me into the dorm room, closing the door behind him. “I beat you by one measly little point, can you believe that?”

“It...it was just a stupid bet, Wallace. We said things when we were mad, and now we can just move on and...”

“Look, I admire your spunk,” he said. “And I admire your desire to beat me. But I didn’t take you to be a cheater.”

“W-what do you mean?  I’m not a cheater! I...”

“Does this look familiar?” he asked, holding up the tiny piece of paper. My mind quickly scrambled to figure out where he could’ve gotten it from before realizing that I may have been stupid enough to throw it into the classroom trash can after class.


“I don’t know if this is enough to convince the professor you cheated,” he said with a shrug. “Maybe. Maybe not. Or, maybe, it's enough to get you thrown out of this school altogether. I don’t know, but I don’t think I’d want to find out either.”

“I...please...Wallace, you can’t do that to me! I was just trying to do well! I was trying to beat you!”

“Yeah, well, you didn’t. But don’t worry. My intent isn’t to take this cheat sheet straight to the dean.  Well...not unless you make me. This is just leverage. To make sure you follow through on our bet.”

“Y-you mean...”

He reached into his bookbag and pulled out a large disposable diaper. It was unlike anything I had ever even seen before, as it was bright pink, with hearts printed on it.

“The internet is a strange place,” he said with a shrug. “You can find lots of weird things there. Like this big ol’ sissy-looking diaper. I guess you’re supposed to buy them by the pack, but I explained my situation to the seller and they offered to give me one on the house...with the stipulation that I send them a picture of you wearing it.”

“Please don’t make me!”

“A bet is a bet. I’m going to leave this here for you and then I’m going to go. I expect to see you at the Northeast Dining Hall in the next hour. I’ll be sitting with my friends.  You’ll approach me, and you’ll proceed to tell my table that you’re just a little baby who isn’t as smart as me. You’ll proceed to pull down your pants, and reveal your diaper.”

My face only became more and more red as he went through his demands. He continued:

“I’ll beckon you to me, and I’ll pat my lap. At that point, I want you to crawl over my lap, with your pants down and your diaper exposed, and I’m going to spank you in front of my friends.  Then, you can pull up your pants, I’ll hand you the cheat sheet, and our rivalry will be done forever.”

For a minute or two, I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. Finally: “Please...I don’t think I can do this.”

“Well it's your choice. Suffer through a little bit of embarrassment, or suffer through a failed final for cheating - if not just thrown out of school.”

He left, closing the door behind him. 

I knew what I was going to have to do...and I picked up the diaper.


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