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“...and I was thinking that if we reference some of the reports that we did last quarter, we might be able to...”

It wasn’t Anna’s fault that Mark was having trouble concentrating; their job just wasn’t particularly interesting. While Anna seemed to have no trouble reviewing endless stacks of paperwork, Mark’s mind tended to wander.  He nodded his head approvingly, even though he had no idea what she was talking about.  

Oh Anna, impossibly beautiful Anna.  She wasn’t only out of his league, but it was possible that she wasn’t even playing the same game.  It didn’t stop him from fantasizing about her though.  Oh, how he wished she’d take him over her firm thighs and slap his ass with her slender hands.  How he wanted her to shove one of those voluptuous breasts into his mouth.  

“You have to consider some of the charts,” she said. “For example, if you look at this one, it shows that you’ve been a very naughty boy.”

“E-excuse me?” he asked.  

“Well sure, look at these numbers.  This is the number of times you’ve masturbated while thinking about me.  This here is the number of times you’ve done that...at work.  This number over here represents the size of my tits.  Impressive, right?”

“Very much so,” Mark said with a nod and a grin.

“For the next part of the report, I want to get a thorough breakdown on all of the ways I can humiliate you like I do in your fantasies.  What do you think is a good starting place?”

“Well, wow...I never thought you’d ask me that.  Maybe...” he had to consider it.  “Maybe just how I’m so eager to do anything for you that you ask me to, no matter how embarrassing.”

“I see,” she said with a nod. “So, say, if I ask you to piss your pants.  Right here, right now, you would?”


“Don’t leave me waiting, Mark.  Piss your pants. Please? For me?”

He nodded enthusiastically. He closed his eyes and smiled as he felt himself pissing into his pants. It immediately saturated his pants, seeping into the padded char while also running down his legs and puddling on the floor beneath him. Almost immediately, he could smell his hot piss.

“That’s so impressive,” she said. “Did you like that?”

Mark tried to say something in response, but the words weren’t forming right.  Suddenly, he looked back up at Anna’s face, who was giving him a quizzical look.

“Are you even paying attention to a thing I’m saying, Mark?  I need your opinion on which parameters we want to reference in subsection 12.”

“Well, sure...” Damn, he had been daydreaming that whole thing.  Well...almost that whole thing.  He suddenly felt something terrifying between his legs and under his rear...complete wetness.  

There was no way he’d ever get out of this room without her knowing. And judging by the scent wafting up from under the table...it was only a matter of time.

This story has been expanded, re-edited, and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr. This version is exclusive to my patrons.



I like this a lot! Would like to see this continued.