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A week had passed since Ms. Bishop had been pulled over Maggie’s knees and paddled - among other things. The atmosphere in the house had seemed to change, though neither acknowledged it. Ms. Bishop seemed softer and less agitated. Likewise, Maggie seemed to have more patience with her. Both were likely waiting for the other to bring it up again, and the more time that went by, the more nervous both became that it had been a strange fluke.

One morning, Maggie had set out Ms. Bishop’s coffee on the counter, next to the bottle she had just prepared for Sophia. 

“Which one of these is for me?” asked Amanda playfully as she entered the kitchen.

“Which would you like?”

“The coffee right now. But. I may need my baba later,” she said, blushing slightly.

“That could be arranged,” Maggie said with a shrug. “After I check in on the other baby.”

“Thank you,” Amanda said timidly, grabbing her coffee before scurrying off to her office.

Maggie smiled, happy that this door was open again. She went about her morning routine as she normally did, some extra pep in her step.

It had become difficult for her to focus on the actual job of caring for Sophia, she found, as she kept finding herself zoning out on the couch while Sophia crawled around with a little less restriction than usual. At one point she paused for a moment at the bathroom mirror for a much needed one-on-one conversation with herself.

“Look...I know you’re excited. The other day was...incredible. Today could be even better. But you gotta calm down. Do your job. Treat everything the same as you always do. The only thing different is that you’re...babying your boss. No big deal. No big deal at all.”

She wasn’t buying it.

Meanwhile, Amanda wasn’t having any easier of a time. As she had been for most of the week, once she took a seat at her desk, she’d spend most of the day staring at a blank document on her PC. 

She daydreamed quite a bit. They’d start pretty tame. Maybe Maggie would just feed her a bottle, or stuff a spoonful of baby food into her mouth. But her fantasies slowly got more advanced. Maggie holding Amanda’s head to her breast while she suckled from it, milk dripping down her face. Maggie swatting at Amanda's ass again before easing a thermometer into her exposed and vulnerable asshole. Amanda stuck in a high chair, or forced to take a nap in a playpen similar to the one Sophia had.

Once, she had even imagined laying on her back, her feet kicking in the air as Maggie approached her from between Amanda’s legs. She was saying something…’Does the baby need her diaper changed?’

She realized she had been stuck in a daydream again...or maybe she had actually just fallen asleep at her desk. It was suddenly a little after 1:00 PM. Where the hell had her morning gone?

There was a polite knock on the office door. She knew who it would be. What she didn’t know was what this visit could be. Maybe Maggie had a question about Sophia. Maybe she needed to place an order for food. Maybe...she was here for her again.


“May I come in?”

“You don’t have to ask that,” Amanda said shyly. This was quite a reversal from where they were a few weeks ago when Amanda would’ve likely given Maggie attitude for coming to her during office hours for any reason at all.

The door opened, and Maggie walked in, a bag slung over her shoulder. It looked like a large purse or a travel bag, maybe. Amanda’s first thought was that Maggie was leaving. She had packed a bag and had come to tell her that she was quitting and leaving the house.

But, in Maggie’s hand was a baby bottle, filled with milk. Amanda wasn’t at all sure what to think now.

“Ms. Bishop, I believe it’s time for you to be fed.”

“You don’t have to call me…”

“Amanda. Please come over here for your bottle.” Maggie sat down on the couch, patting the seat next to her. 

Amanda didn’t want to seem overeager, but she was aware that it was probably the quickest she had moved herself in a long time. She just about teleported from her office chair to the couch next to Maggie.

If either had thought about it at all, it likely would’ve been pretty awkward. Instead, both instantly fell into their roles, Amanda leaning into Maggie’s lap while Maggie slid the baby bottle into her mouth. Amanda suckled at the nipple happily, very aware of Maggie’s other hand that slowly and carefully ran across her chest and shoulders in soothing motions.

After a few minutes, but just before the point where Maggie might have talked herself out of bringing it up, she offered: “Would you like more?”

“More milk?” asked Amanda.

“No...more...of this. More...baby.”

Amanda wasn’t completely sure what ‘more’ entailed, but she wanted it. “Yes.”

“I bought some things,” Maggie said.

“That bag?” 

“It’s a...diaper bag,” Maggie answered. Both of them blushed, the implications of even having a ‘diaper bag’ in the room right now felt quite heavy.

“Does that mean that…”

“If you’re okay with it.”

Amanda nodded.

This was good. This was the reaction that Maggie needed to see. She was feeling confident now, more so than before.

“Finish this bottle first,” Maggie said. 

Amanda sucked from the bottle as hard as she could, though she found that it wasn’t as effective as she wanted it to be - likely by design. She continued taking steady and rhythmic draws from the bottle, forced to take her time and wonder about what was coming next. Diapers? Was she really agreeing to that? At no point in her adult life had she ever considered such a thing, and if someone was to have suggested it to her, she likely would’ve been revolted. But now she wanted them. More than anything.

“That’s a good girl,” Maggie said, watching the bottle’s volume slowly diminish. She had debated whether or not she’d say anything at all, and she was glad that she fought her instincts. Being open and straightforward was going a long way here. This whole thing felt strangely random - like they had both stumbled into some sort of BDSM role play - but it seemed to be working for them. Who was she to question fate? She smiled, liking this feeling. “Drink it all up, baby.” 

Amanda finished the bottle, and Maggie wasted no time in snatching it from her hands and pulling it away. Amanda wondered if she had been watching the bottle intently for the last few minutes, waiting for it empty with anticipation. 

“Stand up. We need to get your clothes off.”


“No…” Amanda wished that she had some babyish outfits for her. She’d have to work on that, she thought, and she made a note to herself to look some up online later. “Your pants, at least.”

Amanda stood up and began pulling down her pants, only to have her hands slapped away by Maggie. Neither said anything, but Amanda understood. Maggie would be handling this. 

Her pants and panties were pulled down to the floor by Maggie, and Amanda obediently stepped out of them. The pants were kicked aside, but Maggie picked the panties up and held them in her hand for a moment. Amanda wasn’t sure which made her feel more vulnerable - standing before Maggie without any pants on, or Amanda examining her bright yellow panties in her hand.

“These are pretty,” Maggie said.

“Thank you…”

“It’s a shame you won’t be needing them anymore.” She casually tossed them into the trash can. Amanda’s eyes widened and she blushed.


“I’d be silly to leave a baby in panties, don’t you think? You’d end up having an accident in them and ruining them.”

“But...do you mean…”

“Lie down on the ground, baby. On your back.”

Amanda did so, and as she lowered herself to the ground, she found herself recalling her earlier fantasy of Maggie approaching her from between her legs and asking about her diaper. Suddenly, that didn’t seem so far-fetched at all. In fact, it seemed likely now.

“I found diapers online that seemed appropriate,” Maggie said as she opened the diaper bag. “I guess that shouldn’t be a big surprise. But just look at these.”

They were large white diapers with blue stripes running down the middle of them. Amanda couldn’t believe how big they were - or how thick they were. 

“They make some in this size with these really cute prints on them too, I guess. I wasn’t sure if that would be too much at first. So let's see how you do with these.”

Amanda blushed, a culmination of a few embarrassing thoughts at once. She wondered what “seeing how I do” with these diapers entailed. She wondered how embarrassing the printed diapers would be. She wondered how soon after their last encounter that Maggie went and bought these.

Maggie dropped to her knees and positioned herself between Amanda’s legs. It had been one thing to see her naked bottom as it hung off her lap, and another to see her standing before her without pants on. But there was nothing quite like seeing Amanda like this. Her legs spread, her clean-shaven pussy on display and open. 

Instinctively, or perhaps following how she saw it happening in her fantasies, Amanda’s legs raised into the air, lifting her bottom a little for Maggie. Maggie was amused by this. She could practically hear Amanda begging her to put her in the diaper. 

She eased the open diaper under Amanda’s bottom, and when Amanda lowered herself onto it, she grabbed the bottle of baby powder. Maggie realized this wasn’t especially different than putting an actual baby into a diaper after a bath. This was even easier than she thought it would be. 

The baby powder was liberally sprinkled over the open diaper and between Amanda’s legs. This was certainly more powder than what would’ve been used with a baby - even proportionately, but both of them knew that this was the right amount for this situation.

The diaper was secured around Amanda’s bottom and sealed shut with the tapes. It was a deeply nostalgic sound for both of them - a sound once associated with diapers that you just didn’t hear anymore. It hadn’t been until now that Amanda considered how disappointing the modern baby diapers were with their cloth-like texture and velcro-esque fastening system.

“There. All done,” Maggie said, looking down at her handywork.

“Does it look...silly?”

“Oh, absolutely. You’re a big baby in a giant padded diaper. You look ridiculous, as you should. It’s a good thing.”

“I don’t know if…”

Maggie wasn’t sure what she was going to say, and it didn’t matter. She leaned forward and plugged a pacifier into her mouth, cutting her off and silencing her.

“Now why don’t you get back to work. I’ll check on you and your diaper later.”

“Waith…” Amanda tried to say through the pacifier. “Doh you ekkspeck meh to…”

“Yes, of course. You just drank a whole bottle of milk, silly. Do whatever you need to do in your diaper like a good girl. And I mean that. I change enough diapers in this house everyday that a few more big ones aren’t going to upset me. It’s part of my job.”

Amanda sat up, feeling the bulk of the cushy bulk of the diaper settling beneath her bottom and between her legs. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it changed the way that every one of her movement’s felt. She blushed.

“In fact, let me make this very clear to you,” Maggie said. “When I come back in here, I’m going to be changing your diaper. So you better have used it before then.”

Maggie got up from the ground, picking up Amanda’s discarded pants and her diaper bag before heading out the door, closing it behind her.

Sitting on the floor in her diaper, she glanced to the trash can where she saw a corner of her panties sticking out of it. Through her pacifier, through her blushing cheeks, she smiled, and began pawing at the front of her diaper, feeling herself through the thick plastic padding.



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