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Hey, friends. How have you been?

As we approach the end of the month (how the hell is it almost October?), I wanted to quickly touch on a some upcoming fun:

  • I have a new 5-part story called "The Best of Intentions" that will be published over the course of the month for October for BOTH Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons. This story will publish every Monday in October (with the fifth chapter getting tossed in there somewhere in the last week of the month). So, yeah, that means that Tier 2 patrons are getting new content every week for the month of October. But not to be outdone, Tier 3 patrons will not only be getting the weekly updates for this story, but two additional stories over the course of the month - the next chapter in the epic Little Ms. Bishop, and their voted upon new story of the month.
  • Speaking of... Tier 3 patrons, the time is upon us to start suggesting topics you'd like to see for a new story. If you have any ideas you'd love to see explored, feel free to comment or send me a direct message. A poll will be up next week, collecting all submitted ideas and a few ideas of my own. The winning prompt will be magically transformed into a new story for you to read in October.

That's all for today. As always, your feedback is always appreciated. And thank you all, again, for continuing to make this place better and better with your support. The better off this Patreon is doing - the more time and energy I'm able to put into new stories and series.

Have a great weekend. Be naughty.



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