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“I don’t think I could have held it...” Ryan said sleepily. 

“”Right,” Mara said. “Because you know that…”

“...because,” Ryan continued, “I know that I could.”

Mara sighed in frustration and rolled away from him in the bed. Even though it was too dark to see his face, she just knew that he had that silly grin on his face. And she would’ve been right. 

It had been a rough day for her. What was supposed to have been a quick trip to the mall had turned into a two hour nightmare instead when she found herself stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the freeway; a bad car accident clogging the road in all directions. 

Worse, an afternoon’s worth of bottled water and caramel iced latte put her in a tense position. Weighing her options - and there really weren’t any - she ended pissing in her pants. And for as humiliating and degrading as it was for her to have to not only flood her pants, sit in her soaked seat for the reminder of her time in the car, and finally get home while smelling of urine - it had all paled in comparison to Ryan’s reaction when she finally walked through the door. 

He laughed. The jerk had the audacity to laugh hysterically at her misfortune. 

And so, in bed that night, when she hoped that he would come around and sympathize with her; he had instead doubled down on his arrogance. 

“Oh please,” she said, trying her best not to let her voice give away the tears in her eyes. “I’ve seen you. You run to the bathroom every 20 minutes. You would not have lasted two hours.”

“I would’ve lasted four hours,” he retorted with a laugh. 

“I know you’re just trying to rub it in my face. But don’t be stupid.”

“You don’t think I couldn’t?”

“Four hours? You?” She laughed - it felt good to be distracted from the crushing shame that had been on her mind. “Come on.”

“I’m just saying,” his cocky tone seemingly amplified in the darkness, “I wouldn’t have pissed myself in the car, that’s for sure. Even if I had to sit there for five hours. Six hours. Eight hours.”

“You want to bet on that?”

“Why would you want to,” Ryan spat. 

“Tomorrow,” Mara said with a yawn. “You can prove to me that you can hold it for four hours.”

“And if I can’t?”

“So we’re going to go and make this an actual bet, hmm?”

“I’m a fucking grown up and I can hold my bladder. So yes. We can figure it out in the morning,” he said, stifling his own yawn. 

“Yeah, alright,” she said, closing her eyes. 

“The thing you have to remember,” she said in the kitchen the next morning, “is that I didn’t have any advance notice. There was no warning that I’d be stuck in a car for two hours.”

He rolled his eyes and took a long sip of coffee. “So?”

“Are you serious about this bet?”

“Yeah,” he said with a nod. “I mean...I can’t lose.”

“I’m just saying, we should do our best to replicate the conditions that I had yesterday.”

“I’m not going to sit in the car for two hours, if that’s what you’re asking me to do. The seat is still drying from where you pissed all over it yesterday.”

She blushed, but quickly composed herself. “Well, first of all, you said you could hold it for four hours, not two. Secondly, I don’t think it matters where you sit - but you should be made to sit somewhere, without being able to use the bathroom. And…” she brought over a tall water bottle and a big cup of coffee, placing both in front of him at the table, next to the cup he had already been drinking. “...you should have drank as much as I did.”

“No wonder you pissed yourself,” he said. “Look at all this! I mean, c’mon...you didn’t drink all this and think to yourself that you should be stopping by the ladies’ room before going home?”

“It’s a 15 minute car ride home,” she said, crossing her arms. “Under normal circumstances, none of this would’ve mattered. Are you looking for a way to back out of the bet?”

“Nah,” he said, shaking his head and laughing. “I’m in. I can hold it for four hours.”

“So you say.”

“What are the terms, anyways?”

“Right… Well, I was thinking about that,” she said with a little shrug. “I was thinking something like...if I win, that means you weren’t able to hold your bladder like a big boy. Maybe you’ll even piss yourself.”

He felt himself getting a little flustered. She had teased him in the past about how often he had used the bathroom. He had even been having reservations about being able to back up his boasts. But her use of “big boy,” seemed to strike a nerve that he didn’t even know he had. 

“Is that it?” he asked. “If I can’t hold it within four hours, I have to piss myself like you did?”

“No, no. Whether or not you piss yourself isn’t really important. As much as I’d like to see that. But you lose the bet if you piss yourself or finally concede that you can’t hold it for four hours. And if you lose, proving to me that you’re not the big boy you claim to be, I think it’s only fair that I make you wear diapers for a day.”

Now, he was actually blushing. He wasn’t sure what he had expected - maybe having to do her laundry or something. But a diaper?

“A...diaper?” he asked. “Where the hell did you get an idea like that?”

“While I was stuck in the car, sitting in my wet seat, all I could think about was how I would’ve been so happy to have had a diaper, I dunno,” she said with a shrug.

“F-fine. Not that it matters, because it’s not going to happen.”

“Okay, fine. And if you win?”

“Two can play that little game of yours,” he said. “If I win - and I will - then I think you’re the one who should go back in diapers. Since, clearly, you not only already pissed yourself, but you would also have had me show you what superior bladder control is like.”

She snorted and laughed into her hand. “You’re so stupid. Alright, fine. You’re on. Hurry up and drink up. Then we’ll start.”

Remaining Time: 3 Hours, 58 Minutes

Ryan was seated at the couch, the last of the water bottle having washed down the last of the coffee. He was feeling a little nervous about the mess he had gotten himself into, but he was still pretty confident that he was actually going to be able to pull this off.

“There’s a medical supply store over on Sycamore,” Mara said. “Their website shows they sell adult diapers. And they offer same-day delivery.”

“Jumping the gun a little, aren’t you?” he muttered.

“Well...one of us is going to need them.”

“Can you order just one diaper?”

“Well...no. You have to buy a whole pack.”

“Seems like a waste to me,” he said with a shrug.

“I mean, I imagine that anyone who uses diapers uses more than one in a day. But…”

He didn’t like her tone. “But?”

“What if we made the bet a little juicier?”

He groaned a little. “Like...how?”

“Whoever loses the bet doesn’t wear diapers for a day. They wear diapers until we’re out of them.”

He did his best to keep a calm face, but inside he was panicking. That seemed ridiculous and unfair. Had he known the conditions would have involved humiliating diapers in the first place, he probably wouldn’t have been so boastful. And how many diapers even came in a pack? 12, maybe? 16 at most? That could be days in diapers.

“I understand if you don’t want to increase the bet like that,” she said. “I probably wouldn’t want to either if I knew I was going to lose.”

He sighed. She was clearly trying to goad him - but it was working. “Yeah, alright,” Ryan said. “That sounds fine to me. The loser wears diapers until there are no diapers left.” He meant to leave it at that, but he found himself adding: “But...you’re only buying one pack, right?”

“Just one,” she said with a smile and nod. She tapped away at her phone for a minute or two and then smiled again. “Okay, the order is good to go. They’ll be here in the next few hours!”

“Perfect,” Ryan said, again hoping that he was able to hide his growing concern.

Remaining Time: 3 Hours, 2 Minutes

Most of the last hour had been pretty uneventful. He had mostly swapped his attention back and forth from the TV to his social media feed on his phone. So far, so good. He could feel the faintest of tingles in his bladders. But it was easy enough to ignore. 

Maybe, he considered, this wouldn’t be that bad at all.

Remaining Time: 2 Hours, 49 minutes

No sooner than he had convinced himself that he could easily ignore his bladder, a new wave of desperation hit from seemingly nowhere. It shouldn’t have been all that surprising - as Mara had been quick to remind him, he did make a lot of bathroom trips. And coffee had a way of working its way through him almost instantly.

Why the hell did I say four hours, he thought. This was the stupidest bet you’ve ever made.

His fingers began to fidget a little. He was tapping his foot.

Reading a book on the recliner, Mara watched him out of the corner of her eye. She began to grin a little, but she did her best to resist it. She didn’t want him to see how happy she was just yet. Eventually, he’d see just how much she had played him like a fiddle.

Remaining Time: 2 Hours, 30 minutes

This was bad. A new reality was starting to reveal itself: He either wasn’t going to win this bet, or he was going to spend the rest of the time suffering in extreme discomfort.

Worse, he now found himself reflecting on his actions over the last 24 hours. He had been an ass to Mara, and there was no reason to be so cocky and to talk such a big game when, deep down, he knew he would never be able to back it up.

I’ve got to try and hang on.

Remaining Time: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes

For the last 10 or so minutes, Mara had watched Ryan squirm as he tried to distract himself with his phone. His impatience was growing, and it was obvious that he was feeling some discomfort. While she had been hesitant to reveal that she had noticed it, she finally decided to have a little fun with it.

“How’s it going over there?”

“Oh...uh…” His mind drew a blank as he tried to both manage his aching bladder and figure out a response to her. “I’m...good. Feeling fine, y’know?”

“Are you...sure about that?”

He hadn’t considered how obvious it was that he was battling some growing pressure - but he blushed at just how foolish he must’ve looked. There didn’t seem to be much of a point in hiding it anymore. They both knew he had made a mistake turning this into a bet in the first place, and he was left trying to figure out how he was going to end this - while he still had the control to do so.

“I...I don’t know,” he said with a sigh. “That was a lot of water and coffee…”

“You have more than two hours to go,” she said with a shrug.

“M-maybe I should just cut my losses,” he said, softly and more to himself than her. He was thinking out loud. 

“Well, I’d understand if you need to go run and use the potty,” she said with a laugh. “I’m sure a big boy would’ve been able to hold it a while longer, but your little baby bladder just had too much. But that’s okay - soon you’ll be in a nice diaper and you won’t have to think about it anymore.”

Her words angered him at first. His hands curled into balls and he exhaled slowly. Once in a while he had seen glimpses of her sadist side - usually in the bedroom - but it usually took a bit to coax out of her. Her brazen confidence now was as unsettling as it was humiliating for him.

He stood up, contemplating the walk to the bathroom. Yet he made the mistake of looking back to Mara, sitting in the recliner with her legs crossed and a devious smile on her face. For as much as he wanted to relieve this pressure in his bladder and for as much as he wanted to just get it over with, he struggled with just walking away and handing her a victory like this.

He sat down again. He could do this. He could power through it. He had to.

Remaining Time: 2 Hours, 2 Minutes

He was wrong. He couldn’t do this.

The pressure verged on painful. There was a moment when he even thought he felt the slightest of spurts of urine dribbling into his pants, though he quickly stopped it - and he doubted she had noticed.

It was time to end this game and to just begin dealing with the ramifications of his loss.

He was about to stand up again when they both heard a muffled “thwomp” from the other side of the front door.

“Wow, that was quicker than I expected,” she said with a smile, standing up. She rushed to the door, opening it to reveal a package. She had a good idea of what to expect, though seeing the package’s size in person was still pretty impressive. With a wide grin on her face, she dragged it inside.

“What the…” Ryan’s eyes widened and his mouth hung open as he saw the size of the package that she dragged into the living room. “But...but you said that you were just buying one pack!”

“I did,” she said with a shrug.

“But...how big is a pack?”

“Of this brand? Uh...well, there’s 96…”

His concentration shattered and his mind stuck in a state of disbelief, his pants began to soak as he uncontrollably released his bladder. It trickled down his pants, dampening his underwear and pants along the way, before puddling on the carpet below him.

He hadn’t even made it two hours.

The First Diaper

“Y-you can’t be serious,” he stammered.

Ignoring the puddle of his piss beneath his feet for now, Mara opened the package of diapers, drawing out the first diaper. They both looked surprise as she held it in her hands - neither had expected it to be so big, or so thick. It crinkled loudly in her hands as she ran a finger down the plastic exterior of it. 

“Look, it’s got this cute little colored strip so I can tell when you’ve had a little accident!”

“M-Mara! A bet is a bet...but...96? Of those?”

“I suppose I went a little overboard,” she shrugged. “Maybe I can let you out of our bet early on good behavior. But...you’ll have to promise me you’ll be a good boy first.”

She carried the diaper to him, and taking his hand, she led him to the bedroom. Any other time, he might have resisted - but he hadn’t even completely wrapped his head around the diaper she was holding, let alone the fact that he had pissed his pants for the first time since he was a toddler.

She motioned for him to lie on his back on the bed, and he did so. He watched as she silently unfastened his belt before pulling his soaked pants and underwear off completely, tossing them into his hamper. He blushed again upon seeing his teal-colored boxer briefs damp and stained.

“So...fine...you’re getting me into a diaper,” he finally said. Clearly she had never put a diaper on anyone in her life, and as she unfolded the diaper, she kept glancing to his midsection, working out the logistics of how this was supposed to work. “Then what?”

“What do you mean?” she replied, sliding the diaper under his ass. She was thinking about things like wipes and baby powder...details she hadn’t considered in her rush to buy the diapers. They’d come later, she figured.

“So you put me in a diaper. And then what? We just go about our day as usual, except I’m wearing a diaper? And then tomorrow I put on a new diaper? And this just keeps going until we either run out of diapers or you decide that I’ve satisfied the bet?”

She pulled the diaper back out from under him, realizing that she had it backwards. She corrected her mistake, sliding it under him again, carefully lining it up so that she could tape it shut.

“I mean, you’re leaving a few parts out,” she shrugged. “It’s not like I’m just asking you to wear a diaper instead of your underwear every day. I mean, I kind of am. But, you know, I expect you to...use the diaper too.”

Ryan’s face turned red again. It was obvious that this would be what she expected - after all, he would’ve expected the same of her if he had won the bet.

“What if I don’t?”

“What if you don’t what?”

“What if I don’t want to play this game? What if I don’t just walk around wearing a diaper while wetting myself and being a joke at your expense?”

“You lost a bet,” she said sternly. “And you started this when you were an asshole to me. At the end of the day, you can do whatever you want. But, frankly, not only should you uphold your part of the bet, but you should be working to get in my good graces again after the way you treated me yesterday.”

His heart sank. She had a point - especially since pissing himself in the same amount of time she had, it had really hit him how poorly he had acted the day before.

He nodded. For now, at least, he’d take his lumps and honor the terms of the bet.

“Well, you’re in a diaper now. Go ahead and get some pants on, or whatever you want to do.”

He sat up, feeling the cushy padding shift and contort around him. The bunching between his legs and the thickness under his ass both felt completely surreal to him. He felt pathetic. 

She left the room, and soon after he grabbed another pair of pants - new unstained ones. He found the fit to be a little tight and awkward over the bulky diaper, but with no other options, he squeezed himself into them.

An hour or two later, he found himself back on the couch again, on the opposite end from where he had been sitting just before he pissed his pants like a toddler. The carpet was still damp, though he had done his best to clean up the mess after emerging from the bedroom, diapered under his pants.

Mara had left the house to run some errands, which was just as well. After having been watched by her all morning - not to mention that she had literally put him into a diaper - a little break was refreshing.

Still, while all that coffee and water had wreaked havoc on his bladder earlier, he had the lingering feeling that that wouldn’t be the end of it. The next wave of pressure was here. Once again, he found himself in the throes of desperation. With no one here to watch him, he pawed at the front of his pants, his hands clutching the thick diaper between his legs as he tried to stave off the possibility that he’d piss himself for the second time that day.

But what else was he supposed to do? He made a promise to Mara that he’d follow through with this. And, he didn’t know much about these diapers, but he suspected it’d be pretty hard to get the diaper back on again if he took it off. So what other option was there?

He surrendered to the urge, unleashing another long stream into his pants - this time, he could actually hear it as it was collected in the diaper. The padding absorbed every drop, warming and expanding into every space that it could. If he had felt silly and pathetic before in his diaper, and he did, he felt even sillier now.

Still...there was another feeling that he couldn’t quite define. Somewhere, buried deep beneath the shame and humiliation he felt, there was a little bit of excitement. A small joy birthed from his naughty predicament. He sighed, unsure of what to do with that.

Not long after, the door opened and Mara returned home with some plastic grocery bags.

“Hey,” he said with a meek smile. He wondered if he should be upfront about having wet the diaper or not.

“How’s it going?” she asked. He wanted to read into that question a little - was she asking how his diaper was?

“It’s fine…” he cautiously answered. Not quite the truth if he was talking about his diaper. But maybe he wasn’t.

She dropped her bags off on the floor and took her shoes off. He tried to guess what she had bought, given the outlines of the shapes in the bags, but he wasn’t sure what he was looking at.

“How are things in your diaper?” she asked - this time being more direct. He would have to be too, he thought.


“Which do you think would be better,” she asked, cutting him off, “if we made the policy that you came up to me and asked for a diaper change? Or if I just periodically checked to see if you needed a change?”

“Are you...going to change my diaper every time,” he asked.

It was a good question he posed. That wasn’t exactly something they had talked about before. Hell, there were a lot of things they hadn’t really ironed out before. But there was something about his tone that seemed to lack any kind of resistance. He wasn’t looking for an argument - he was looking for her judgment. She wondered if he’d just accept any answer that she gave.

“So long as we’re both home at the same time, I think so,” she said.

He nodded. This pleased her. She wondered what had made him more docile and willing than she remembered him being earlier today, but she didn’t want to question it too much.

She hadn’t yet suspected that he actually enjoyed his diapers.

“To start, why don’t I be the one to check your diapers periodically,” she said confidently. “I don’t trust that you’ll come get me when you actually need a change - on account of being all embarrassed about having an accident. I just don’t want you to get a diaper rash.”

His face turned red again. The very threat of diaper rash was something that had never once crossed his mind in his life and it suddenly felt like a real possibility. Worse was the thought of her randomly approaching him and asking to see his diaper.

“But...if I did want to tell you that I needed a change?” He looked down as he asked this.

“I mean, I certainly won’t turn you away if you come to me first.” She paused, pondering on why he might ask that question. “Do you...have something to tell me now?”

“Well...it’s just that I…” his voice trailed off, the shame in his voice speaking volumes.

“Did you piss your diaper again?”

He nodded.

“Wow...I can’t even believe that. Like, I didn’t think you were going to last four hours this morning. But...I thought we’d at least get a few hours out of this diaper. I put this on you, what, like two hours ago?”

He could only offer a pathetic shrug.

“At this rate, you’re going to go through 96 diapers in a week,” she teased. It was hard to tell if she was being serious or not, though Ryan was at least a little concerned about the implication that he’d be in diapers for a week.

“It was just...all that coffee and water and…”

“Now now,” she cooed, displaying a motherly tone that he only had rarely seen before. “Let’s get you to the bedroom again. I picked up a few things at the store that might help us out.”

He stood and began walking to the bedroom, finding that the thick saturated diaper between his legs reduced his walking to a cruel waddle. Mara, behind him, cracked a smile as she carried her new supplies with her.

Once at the bed, he immediately crawled atop it, rolling onto his back. They had similar thoughts simultaneously. She was impressed at how quickly he adapted to just assuming the right position for a diaper change. He blushed again at the thought of just how easily he laid himself out before her.

One by one, she began pulling items out of her bag. “Baby wipes,” she said, holding up a rather plump package of wipes. “I got plenty of them. It’s important to keep the baby's bottom nice and clean between changes.”

“I...I’m not a baby,” Ryan protested.

“No? Oh, sorry, I must be thinking of somebody else wearing soaked pampers.”

His face grew more red. He opened his mouth to argue, but he stopped himself. What would be the point.

“Here, baby,” she said, coating the word with so much emphasis that it was practically dripping, “I got you something else.”

“What is it?” But no sooner than he had finished asking the question, had something rubbery and soft been pressed into his mouth. Instinctively, his hands rushed to his face, only to feel the hard plastic surface on the other side of his lips. It was a pacifier. He pulled it from his mouth, lifting his head a little. “A-are you being serious right now?”

“I saw it in the baby aisle and it made me think of you. But let’s keep that in your mouth, please. As is the rule from now on. Babies keep their pacis in their mouth while getting their diapers changed.”

He wanted to ask ‘why.’ He wanted to know just far she was planning on taking this whole game of hers. 

She unfastened the tapes of his diaper before pulling the front back, revealing the extent of his accident - a surprisingly complete saturation of the front of the diaper. She pulled it out from under his bottom, rolling it into a loose glob before setting the heavy dirty diaper onto his chest.

“There. You can get a good look at your handiwork while I put a new diaper on you.”

His eyes fixated on the jumble that stared at him from his chest. He could see the clean bright white plastic from one part of the diaper, not far from another section that was stained a pale yellow. The scent of his piss wafted to his nose from the diaper now - a scent he hadn’t been very cognizant of before, though he wondered if Mara had been able to smell his diaper while he wore it.

A new scent caught his nose, and when his eyes fixated on what Mara was doing, he could see that she was sprinkling powder on his crotch from a white canister.

“Baby powder,” she said, noting his attention. “Again, it’s important we reduce the risk of rashes.”

“They don’t make an unscented version?” he asked, the heavy infantile scent becoming all-consuming. He was sure that she used far more powder than she needed to.

“This is why there’s a rule about pacifiers during diaper changes,” she muttered, grasping the pacifier out of his hand and pressing it back into his mouth again. 

As if that weren’t enough, her hand zipped through the air between them, smacking his ass hard. He yelped through the pacifier - not necessarily in pain, but certainly out of surprise.

“There’s more where that came from,” she said. “I’m not opposed to taking you over my knee and giving you a punishment more fitting for a toddler.”

She went back to work, easing the fresh new diaper under his powdered behind and slowly straightening it out so she could seal him within it. She was already finding it a little easier, and she could imagine herself finding a good rhythm for it in time.

All finished, she gave his diapered bottom another playful slap, the sound of her hand striking the diaper ringing both hollow and soft.

“You’re all set,” she said. “Why don’t you get rid of that dirty diaper.”

He groaned, letting the pacifier fall from his mouth onto the bed. 

The Second Diaper

There hadn’t been any other accidents in a while - likely because he had minimized what he drank. It was working for him now, but he knew this was sustainable. He was going to need to drink things, and in turn, he was going to have to wet himself.

She checked his diaper an hour ago. She had him stand up and she pulled his pants down to his knees while she inspected the colored strip on the bottom of the diaper. He had earned an approving pat on the back of his diaper before she allowed him to pull his pants up.

But now, a new crisis was slowly revealing itself. It was something that had seemed inevitable, but in the back of Ryan’s mind, he kept assuring himself that this wasn’t anything that he’d have to deal with anytime soon. Maybe he had been holding on to the hope that Mara would have a change of heart before it got to this point.

Instead, to his dismay, she seemed to be having a lot of fun with this. She seemed to like his humiliation, and the diaper changes, and the checking of diapers. 

But what if...he didn’t just have to piss his diaper?

He had a lot of regrets for the decisions he had made over the last day or two, but not sitting on the toilet and taking care of all his business this morning was ranking pretty high right now.

There’s no way, he told himself. She couldn’t possibly expect me to…

She was in the living room, watching TV herself now. He took a seat next to her on the couch, both taking notice of the muffled crinkles from his pants as he did. 

“Hey, uhm, Mara…”

She paused the show she was watching and turned her attention to him. There was a slight smile on her face; she couldn’t help it. Just seeing him was a reminder of her victory and his comeuppance. 

“Yes, Ryan?”

“I was just wondering. A-about the diapers…”

“What about them?”

“Do you really expect me to do...everything in them?”

The question had, admittedly, caught Mara off guard. It had been a fleeting thought in her mind here and there. She had kind of written it off as something she’d eventually have to deal with, but there was a sense of urgency in his question. He wouldn’t have asked if there wasn’t a reason for it to be weighing on his mind. 

And so she asked herself: Am I willing to change a grown man’s shitty diaper? She was only a little surprised at how exciting the thought of it was.

“Yes,” she finally said. It had only been a moment’s pause, and she wondered if he detected any hesitation - and he didn’t. “Yes, I think that if you’re going to be wearing diapers like a baby, you ought to be doing all the dirty things babies do in their diapers.”

He could only nod, blushing slightly. He excused himself and left the room. Her eyes followed him out. She sighed, wondering when she would make her next diaper check.

In the kitchen, afforded a little privacy from Mara’s curious eyes, he paced back and forth while he contemplated what he would do - and when he would do it. If he had learned any lesson from pouring his bladder out into his pants and diaper it was that it was inevitable he’d just end up in another diaper. If that was the case, was it worth it to just hold on to everything?

Likely not.

He paced a little longer, though now he was just working up the courage to go through with it. He couldn’t recall a time in his life when he had pissed himself, let alone shit his pants. The very thought would’ve seemed foul and disgusting before today. But today? While in a diaper, and with the promise of Mara’s hands on him, changing his diaper? Maybe it was still disgusting. But either less so, or...there was some sort of faint enjoyment he could feel for his current predicament.

He stopped pacing, spreading his legs a little. He closed his eyes, grunting and pushing a little. It was right there, so close - and he was certainly desperate enough. He just needed to find the right position.

He began to squat, and he found that the lower he positioned his diapered ass above the floor, the more he felt things start to move within him. This was it. This was happening. No turning back now.

There was a burst of gas at first, he blushed, hoping that Mara didn’t hear that from the living room. He focused and pushed again, though he found he didn’t have to push very hard. His bowels slowly unloaded from him, a thick firm mass that eased itself into the bottom of his diaper. But it kept coming. Everytime he wondered if that was it, he could feel himself pushing even more out. He wasn’t even sure how the diaper could hold it all, yet he could feel the increasing weight of the diaper pulling it into a pathetic sag between his legs. 

Finished - or at least reaching the point where he had filled the diaper to a capacity where he could no longer push anything else out - he slowly stood up again. The diaper's new load changed how it hung from his body. It was a strange feeling - as it recalled the humiliation and shame he had felt on and off during the day, but with something new mixed in. He wasn’t sure how to describe it - an almost infantile-like feeling of smallness.

That was to say nothing of the smell. No sooner than he had finished messing his diaper, the strong stink of his naughty deed hit his nose. There was no way that Mara wasn’t going to know what he had just done if she walked anywhere near him.

“All finished?” a voice said from behind him. He spun around, finding Mara in the doorway.

“H-how long have you been watching me?”

“Long enough,” she said with a shrug. “Long enough to watch you squatting and grunting. I could guess what you were up to, but trust me, I can smell it.”

“I...I’m sorry…”

“Why?” she said, tilting her head in confusion. “These are the rules. This is what’s supposed to happen. Remember? Now...I’m a little impressed that it’s just the first day and you’ve almost effortlessly blown your way through two diapers. Rather spectacularly on this one, if I was to guess. But, there’s nothing to apologize for.”

“Do you...want to change me?”

“First, let’s get a good diaper check in, hmm? This could be valuable information. If you’re going to be waddling around the house, filling your diaper like this, I should know what that looks like. Though...I imagine the smell will often be enough,” she said, waving her hand in front of her nose dramatically.

He stood still, allowing her to pull his pants down again, lowering them to his ankles. She orbited him for a moment or two, admiring the way the back of his diaper had expanded and how it now hung from his bottom. She reached forward with her hand, cupping the large heavy mess in her hand through the diaper. She gave it a playful pat.

“You did quite a number on that,” she said.

He nodded.

“Should we get you changed into your third diaper of today?”

He nodded again.

She took his head and led him back to the bedroom again. In one day alone, it had already felt like a routine. He’d lie down on the bed. She’d pop the pacifier in his mouth. She’d change his filthy diaper, leaving it on his chest for him to ruminate on while she wiped him clean and got him ready for his next one.

“At this rate, baby,” she’d say while wiping off caked on layers of his foul filth from his bottom, “we might just get through 96 diapers in a month.”

He blushed and grunted some sort of minor protest through his paci. He wondered if a shortening of his sentence was still on the table. But also...if it were, would he still want it?

This story was the result of a poll of my Tier 3 patrons, who elected on a story of someone made to wear diapers as the result of losing a bet with his girlfriend. The story runs a little longer than what I've been posting for single stories, but I really enjoyed writing it and found it hard to pull myself away. There's certainly a lot of room here for a continuation - so please let me know if you liked the story and want to see more of it.



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