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Mother - “You’re doing that thing.  You don’t think I know what it means when you start squirming like that, but I know your mannerisms well enough by now.  Are you going to use your diaper?”

Thomas - “N-no, mother.  I...I’m fine.”

Mother - “You’re not fooling anyone, Tommy.  You haven’t needed a change all day.”

Thomas - “I’m fine, mother.  I promise.”

Mother - “This is your last chance, Tommy.  If you tell me the truth, I’ll take you back to the car and let you keep some of your dignity.”

Thomas - “Mother, please.  I’m 20 years old.  If I say I’m fine, I mean it.”

Mother - “You’re a 20 year old wearing diapers, need I remind you.  Very well.  I’ve given you your chance.  If I find out you’ve soiled yourself here in the store, you’re going to be very sorry.”

Thomas - “I...I’ll be okay.”

Mother - “Have it your way, then.  We’re going to the ladies department so I can be fitted for a new bra.  I trust you can behave yourself?”

Thomas - “Yes, Mother.”


Salesgirl - “...and it comes in a few really nice colors too.  There are some prints available too, if you’d like to see them?”

Mother - “I’m sorry, just one moment, miss.  I don’t see my son anywhere around here, do you?”

Salesgirl - “The young man who was standing near you before?”

Mother - “Yes, that’s right.  He was about your age?  Dark hair?”

Salesgirl - “I think i saw him over there by the nightgowns a few minutes ago.”

Mother - “I see.  Please give me a moment.”

Salesgirl - “Of course.  I’ll be here whenever you’re ready.”

Mother - “Thomas?  Thomas, where are you?”

Thomas - “Uhm...mother...  I’m right here.”

Mother - “Hiding over here, are you?”

Thomas - “No, I...I was just looking.”

Mother - “In the women’s nightgowns?  Were your diapers not humiliating enough?  Or shall I purchase you one of these too?”

Thomas - “I...no, mother.  I just meant to look, that’s all.”

Mother - “I expected you to stay by my side and...hmm.  Thomas, what is that that I smell?”

Thomas - “I...I don’t know what you mean.”

Mother - “Tommy, tell your mother what you did.”

Thomas - “Everything is fine, mother.  Please, let’s just finish shopping and leave so that...”

Mother - “Not so fast.  Let me see your diapers, Tommy.”

Thomas - “Please, mother, not here.  We’re in the store and...”

Mother - “I gave you the choice, didn’t I?  I offered to take you out to the car, but you refused.  Now let me take a peek into your diapers.  Can you even believe this?  A diaper check, just like I used to have to do when you were a toddler.”

Thomas - “Mother, it’s not necessary, I...”

Mother - “You have got to be kidding me right now.  You’ve absolutely filled these diapers!  What, did you come over here to squat behind some nightgowns so that you could fill your diapers like a little tyke?  You smell wretched!

Thomas - “Please...not so loud.  Can’t we just go?  I’m very sorry...I just...”

Mother  - “You’re coming with me.”


Salesgirl - “Ah, Ms. Bloom, you’re back.  I see you found your son!  Would you like me to continue showing you the bra I had earlier?”

Mother - “That won’t be necessary, dear.  You’ve been very helpful, but I’m afraid that I’ll need to be leaving to care for my son.”

Salesgirl - “Okay, that’s understandable. Would you still like to purchase the ones you had set aside earlier?  Actually...if you wouldn’t mind waiting one moment, I just need to make a quick call.”

Mother - “Of course, dear.”

Salesgirl - “Hello?  Ron?  This is Amy from lingerie.  There’s a really strong smell coming from my department.  I’m not sure what it is, but would you mind coming to take a look around?  You can?  Okay, great! Thank you, Ron.”

Mother - “Oh, Miss, I...”

Salesgirl - “Okay, I’m sorry about that Ms. Bloom.  Do you smell that?  There’s a nasty smell coming from something.  I’ll have our maintenance guy looking into that.”

Mother - “Actually, perhaps I can explain that.  See, my son here has had a little bit of an accident and...”

Thomas - “No, mother, please.  Can we not talk about this with strangers?”

Mother - “Hush your mouth, child.  You lost your ‘adult’ privileges when you chose to make a big mess in your diaper.”

Salesgirl - “I’m sorry, did you just say...”

Mother - “Yes, that’s right.  My son can’t be trusted to wear just underpants like a normal boy his age.  As he’s just proven a few minutes ago by sneaking off so he could squat down like a toddler and fill his diapers.”

Salesgirl - “Oh my...well...Okay, let’s get you rung up here so that you can be on your way.”

Mother - “Aw, you’re a dear.  Thank you, miss.”

Ron - “Amy, where did you say the smell was coming from?”

Salesgirl - “Oh...right...Well...”

Mother - “I’m sorry, sir, your associate here just didn’t realize that my son was in desperate change of a diaper change at the moment.”

Thomas - “Mother!”

Ron - “Wait, your...son?”

Mother - “Yes, well, he’s a bit accident prone, if you know what I mean.  He was given the chance to not have to use his diaper in the store, but he chose poorly, as you can smell.”

Ron - “I...alright then.  Amy...I’ll talk to you later.”

Salesgirl - “I’m sorry, Ron.”

Mother - “As am I.  On behalf of my son.”

Salesgirl - “Okay, just sign this and you’re good to go.”

Mother - “Very well.  Thank you, miss, for all your help today.  Again, I’m truly sorry about my son.  Believe me, he’ll be paying for this little incident later.”

Salesgirl - “Oh...it’s okay...”


Ron - “What in the hell was that about?”

Salesgirl - “I have no clue.”

Ron - “Did that woman really say that her son was wearing a diaper?”

Salesgirl - “That’s what she said.  She said he shit himself too.”

Ron - “Well I believe that.  I can still smell it over by those racks over there.  What the hell is wrong with some people?”

Salesgirl - “I...I wish I knew.  KInd of a shame, really.  He was cute.”

Ron - “Yeah, a fun date until you had to change his dirty diaper.”


Mother - “Do you see why you must listen to me, Tommy?”  

Thomas - “Mother, please...I...”

Mother - “No more back talk from you.  I gave you a chance, and you ruined it. Now look at what you’ve done!  You were humiliated in front of a cute young girl and you’re getting your stinky diaper changed in the back seat of our car in the middle of a busy parking garage.  Now lift up your legs so I can wipe your bottom.”


John Doe

One of my all-time favorites

John Doe

Any chance there’s more stories in the works that are similar to this? 😊


I'm not opposed. What was it about this one that you liked? The play-like setup? Or just the idea of being humiliated in public like this?

John Doe

I really love the starting dialogue with the mother and son. How she casually speaks down to him about potentially needing to be changed while also being nurturing to his dignity, all the while he deflects out of what can be assumed as embarrassment and shame. Then, at the end, him getting changed in the back seat of the car out in public (which has always been a really hot scenario - true to the idea of being treated like a toddler, without regard for public indecency). Does that answer the question? :)