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As I typed on my computer’s keyboard, I could hear little footsteps approaching me.  They were cautious and soft; I could sense that they belonged to someone timid and apprehensive.  I pretended not to notice as I typed away, doing my best to prevent my lips from curling into a smile that would give away what I knew.

They were close now and finally stopped. I didn’t know exactly where they were, but judging by the little puffs of warm breath on the back of my neck, they were right behind me.  Don’t smile.  Don’t smile.  Type type type.

I could hear her lips moving in my ear before the words even emerged from her mouth:  “Daddy?”

I didn’t respond, though I stopped typing.


“Yes, Baby?” I finally responded.


I already had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to tell me. It was the only reason why she’d have come to me now. And even if that hadn’t given her away, the change in odor in the room certainly would have.

“Go on, Baby. Tell me why you’ve come to me.”

“I...I’ve gone and done something very naughty in my diaper,” she continued, her hushed tone subtracting years from her actual age.

“Is that so?” I finally asked.

“Mmhmm. Please… Help me?”

“You know what to do,” I advised.  “To the bed.  On your back.  Legs up.  I’ll come and take care of you.”

Her face receded from the side of mine.  Soft footsteps again, getting quieter and quieter.  Only her faint scent lingered behind; it suggested something very naughty indeed.

I began typing again.  She was a good girl; quite obedient.  She’d wait until I was ready.  

This story has been re-edited and partially rewritten since its original publishing on Tumblr. Additional lines were added as well. This version is exclusive to my patrons.


John Doe

Also LOVE this one as well. The line, "Only her faint scent lingered behind; it suggested something very naughty indeed." is an amazingly inexplicit welcome to the reader of other senses in the story (which can easily be over done if written overly direct). Just thought I'd share :)