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Hey all! Happy Friday to you, I hope you’re healthy, safe, happy and well-fed (in no particular order).

We’re nearing 50 patrons, and while that number seems to fluctuate a bit, it’s an incredible feeling to have this audience. Maybe it’s small potatoes in the bigger world of kink related Patreons, but I did not think I’d meet this level of success. 

It’s been motivating! I’ve been writing more the last few months than I have in the last few years combined, and the inspiration and motivation keeps coming. So, truly, I cannot thank everyone here enough. 

To give you an idea of where I’m at, I’m currently working on stories that won’t be published until November or December, and that’s even with taking on a commission or two. It feels good. And, again, this is all thanks to you.

Lastly, a topic that's come up once or twice from patrons who have unsubscribed has been that they were disappointed by the lengths of some of the stories here. As far as the archival stories go - there's not much to say about that. They were written for a different platform, at a different time, and with different expectations set to them. They are what they are. But I’d love your feedback on the newer, Patreon exclusive stories. Do you feel they’re long enough? Your feedback goes a long way towards making this place what you want it to be. Let me have it!

Have a good weekend. Stay naughty.


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