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“Well, time’s up.  I guess I’m going to have to lock the bathroom door.  I told you:  you’d have 10 minutes to use the potty like the adult that you supposedly are, and you declined it.  I don’t know if you’re just being pee-shy now or stubborn.  Not that it really matters to me.  A bet is a bet, and you lost.

“So I guess that’s where these diapers come in.  I've been telling you for...how long now?  Weeks?  I kept asking you to not piss all over yourself.  Seriously, I don’t know how you do it.  Every pair of your underpants in the laundry basket have piss stains all over them.  Did your mother not teach you how to shake your little dick over the toilet when you were done or something?  I threw the underwear away, FYI.  We can talk about replacements after this weekend.

“Right, so let’s talk about the deal again, shall we?  I gave you a ten minute window to use the bathroom one last time. You sat there on the ground with a pout on your face. Defiant, but I don’t know what kind of point you were trying to make.  We can do this the easy way now or...the embarrassing way.  Either you take this diaper and put it on in front of me, or I march over there, pull you over my knee and spank you into submission and THEN put the diaper on you.

“Ah, see, I knew you’d see it my way.  Yes, that's right.  Take off your pants and toss them over there.  For the next two days, I don't want to see you wearing anything over those diapers.  I’d like to see how they’re faring.  

”I’m sorry...what’s that?  What did you say?  This is unfair?  Honey, please.  This is a much lighter punishment than what I originally had in mind.  Could you even imagine yourself serving drinks and snacks to me and my friends while wearing that diaper?  No, I didn't think so.  So put it on and shut up.  

“Let’s go over the rules again.  You are not to use the bathroom this weekend.  At all.  The door is locked, and I have the key.  If you need to use the bathroom, well...you’re wearing it.  I don’t care what you need to do in those diapers, but that's where it's going to go.  Or, you can hold it, but I just can’t imagine that working out for you.

“Here’s the important part though.  If you end up going potty in your diapers like a little toddler, and you don’t want to sit in your own filth, you’re allowed to come to me and ask me to change you into a nice clean diaper.  But you’re going to have to approach me on your hands and knees.  You’re going to crawl to me, and in your best baby talk voice, you’re going to tell me all about the accident you had in your diapers and that you need me to change you.  Got that?  And I’ll lie you down and clean your little bottom right up and put you into a new diaper.

“Play along this weekend, and your punishment ends when the weekend is done.  Act like a little bitch, and the punishment gets extended.  I bought enough diapers that this can last a while.  And, obviously, I could always get more.

“Hurry up and get that diaper on, baby.  I can’t even tell you how excited I am to watch you waddling around the house this weekend.”


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