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“There.  I think that was the last one.  You’re finally free to go, Sebastian.”

“Yes, Ms. Yost.”

“You’ve been well behaved this summer.  Your mother didn’t think you were going to be as cooperative.”

“I...I really didn’t have much of a choice.”

“No, I suppose not.  Your antics with those fireworks could’ve been a lot worse than you just burning down my shed.  And I was very close to pressing charges.  I’m glad your mother suggested that you help replace whatever was lost.”

“I guess I just didn’t think that it’d be...baby photos.”

“Well you ruined years upon years of photographs of my children.  They were irreplaceable.  But an entire summer of staging replications with you posing as a baby...well, that was quite cathartic.”

“I...I think that...”

“Oh dear, did you wet yourself again?”

“I swear, I don’t usually have a problem wetting myself but this past summer...and these diapers...”

“Perhaps this was the role you were meant to play, my dear Robert.  Shall I clean you up?  I suppose I won’t need to be putting you into a new diaper if there are no new photos to take.”

“Well...Ms. Yost...do you think that maybe...I could get one more?  Just in case?”

“Robert, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were beginning to like this.”

“I...well...I just want to make sure you got enough pictures and...”

“Come, Robert, let’s get you changed into a new diaper.  I just thought of some adorable shots we can get with you in the sunflowers in the backyard.”

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original posting on Tumblr. This version is exclusively for my patrons.


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