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Once, another Tumblr user posted the following:

I needed to pick up a couple of things at the drugstore tonight, so I went in and got what I needed.  I went up to the front and a cute girl rang up my stuff and asked if I had a rewards card to get discounts (which I think is kinda stupid- just give everybody the cheaper price ).  I didn’t but could enter my phone number to get it.  So after I paid, she said a coupon had printed with my receipt and handed it to me.  I smiled and thanked her.  As I walked out to my car, I looked at the coupon.  It was for a discount on adult diapers.  I guess I’m not going back  there any time soon.

And so I wrote this:

“What?  What are you smirking about?” asked Rachel as she walked behind the front counter.

“N-nothing,” Amy said.

“Oh come on.  I could see your face from the back of the store, and I haven’t seen you smile at work like that in months.”

“Did you see that guy that just left?”

“Yeah.  What about him?”

“He just had a coupon print out for adult diapers.”

Rachel smirked herself for a second, though she tried to compose herself.  “Yeah...probably not for him, Right?  Maybe like a grandparent or something shares the same account.”

“Maybe,” Amy said.  “I just can’t get the thought out of my head of that guy wearing a diaper though, you know?  Like, maybe he’s into that kind of thing or something.  That’s a thing, right?”

Rachel gave Amy a quizzical look and shrugged.  “I think you’ve been working too much.  You need to take take some time off.”  Rachel left the counter again, heading to the back of the store.

Alone with her thoughts again, Amy contemplated the logistics of buying adult diapers when you had some sort of kink for them.  She wondered if he, or the figurative version of him in her head, had some pacifiers too.  She imagined you’d have to make separate trips when buying things like that.  After all, she knew what conclusion she’d come to if he was to have bought both pacifiers and adult diapers on the same trip.

It wasn’t much, but it got her through the rest of her shift.  In later days, she’d try to remember his face, though it had gotten a little blurry in her memory.  She wondered if she’d remember him if he came in again.  

Maybe next time she saw him, if she remembered, she’d gently remind him when diapers were on sale.

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original posting on Tumblr. This version is exclusively for my patrons.


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