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The pink ones with the yellow stripes. The white ones with the pink hearts. The light blue ones with the picture of a panda on them. The leopard print ones. The orange ones. The purple ones that said “lick me” on the backside. The white ones with the rainbow stripes. 

Each pair of her panties were neatly laid out on the dining room table. Upon walking into the room and seeing this arrangement, her heart began to race and her face began to turn bright red. 

“Quite a collection, isn’t it?” said Daniel's voice from behind her. 

“W-why?” is all Victoria could mutter. 

“All of these pairs have something in common. Would you like to guess what it is?” he asked calmly as he stepped beside her. 

“I…I don’t know. They’re just my panties.” 

“I’m not disputing that,” he said, stepping closer to the table. “I’m talking about this.” He pointed to the crotch of the first pair, the pink ones with the yellow stripes. There was most certainly some kind of stain there. His finger moved to the next pair where he pointed out a similar stain. He went through each pair like this, pointing out the stains. Sure enough, every single pair had one. 

She already knew this, of course. 

Neither one of them said anything for a moment. Even when he put his hands on his hips, waiting for a response, she couldn’t do much beyond looking bashful and ashamed. She finally offered only a small shrug. 

“It’s not the first time I’ve noticed this. I’ve just never seen it so…consistently. Every single pair in your laundry basket this morning is like this. Are you really having accidents in your pants every single day?” 

She offered a tiny shrug again. 

“But it doesn’t add up,” he continued, “because none of your pants have stains in them. What do you think that means?” 

Another shrug. 

“I suspect that it means that whenever you’re having these…accidents…you’re wearing panties, but not pants. Seems a little suspicious, doesn’t it? That you’d only pee in your pants when you’re not wearing pants?” 

Another little shrug, but this one was slower – a little more uncertain. 

“I’ll tell you what I think. I think that someone has been peeing in their panties on purpose. Does that sound accurate to you?” 

She started to shake her head “no,” but stopped mid-way. It seemed petty fruitless to dispute this much further. She silently nodded. 

“I thought so. So I guess now, I’m wondering what I’m supposed to do with you.” 

Another tiny shrug, the look on her face showing genuine concern. 

“You shouldn’t just be allowed to ruin all the nice panties I bought for you. I think some sort of punishment is in order, don’t you?”

She shrugged again, paralyzed with the fear of anything she could say just being used against her.

“If you’re going to be pissing yourself as a little hobby, I don’t think you should stop on my account,” he continued. “I’ll support whatever dirty little habit you’ve gotten yourself into. But I don’t think we can keep going through panties like this. So I’ve taken the liberty of collecting all of yours.”

“A-all?” she finally asked quietly.

“All of them. And I’m keeping them in a safe place for now. Maybe someday, after you’ve gotten your naughty little piss games out of your system, we can discuss you having them back.”



“What am I supposed to wear in the meantime?”

“I’ve already filled your panty drawers with something that I think you’ll find a little more appropriate for someone who pisses themselves. Why don’t you go have a look and then come back to me. We have more to discuss. And, obviously, you’ll need your spanking.”

Her mouth dropped and the blood left her face. She was terrified of what she was going to find in the drawer. She nodded and quickly marched to the bedroom - having an idea of what it could be. 

Though, she would have to admit to herself, for as terrified of this reality as she had been - it may have just been what she wanted all along.

This story has been re-edited and additional content has been added since its original posting on Tumblr. This includes an entirely new ending. This version is exclusively for my patrons.


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