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“Alright,” she said to herself, “you can do this.”  She didn’t instil the confidence in herself that she had been hoping to, though.

It shouldn’t have been that hard.  For 23 years, she had managed to make it to the bathroom on time without fail, give or take two or three of those early years that she couldn’t remember very well.  So why was it that she was so uncertain of herself now?

The answer was the very thick diaper between her legs.  She wasn’t positive, but she was pretty sure he had put her in at least two or three at once.  She could barely squeeze her legs together, and she didn’t walk so much as she waddled about. She hadn’t even attempted to put pants on over them, as she wagered she would never be able to get them on over the diapers anyways.

Still, she had been given some very strict orders:  “Prove to me that you’re a big girl and that you don’t need these, and maybe your punishment will end sooner than later.”

Admittedly, she had been a bad girl.  A disrespectful brat, to be quite honest.  She had to hand it to him, this was a pretty original punishment.  If the over-the-knee spanking hadn’t done it, being sealed into thick adult diapers for a day had most certainly put her in her place.

It seemed easy during the morning.  Yet, as the day progressed, she felt some uncomfortable pressure building.  Perhaps she had taken for granted how easy it normally was to just use a bathroom whenever she needed to.

“You got this,” she muttered again as she dragged the laundry basket into the living room from the basement.  She figured some chores might help get her mind off of things, and she began folding the clothes she had taken from the dryer.  For a while, it seemed to be working, though the pressure on her bladder was returning and becoming hard to ignore again.

“This is entrapment!” she said aloud to no one.  “I’m going to get punished for not using the bathroom...yet I’m not allowed to use the bathroom!”

Still, she knew this argument probably wouldn’t fly.  The last thing she wanted was to be thrown over his knee again like a toddler.  It had begun to occur to her that this was by design - that he had been banking on the inevitability that she’d end up wetting herself. She wondered if his punishment for pissing herself was more diapers or more spankings. Perhaps a little of both.

She threw down the pair of pants that she had been struggling to fold for a few minutes in a huff. Without realizing she was doing it, her feet were moving, and she was pacing in place.  This was it, she thought.  It’s going to happen.  There was little chance that she could hold on much longer. She was going to end up using this incredibly thick diaper whether she liked it or not.  Then, he’d see for himself that she was just as much of a child as he thought she was.

“Just...a little longer,” she mused, looking at the clock.  Could she last the 20 minutes it’d take for him to get home?  She sure hoped so. She had made it almost the entire day, it would seem completely unfair for her to lose so close to the end.

She bit her lip and continued to prance in place. “Come on,” she said aloud, followed by a rambling:  “Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon…please no…”

It was a losing battle.  With every second that passed, she felt her control loosening.  It finally become too much, and she assumed a squatting position, not even completely aware that she had done so.

“I can’t...this can’t be happening…”  All at once, she felt the simultaneous shame and relief of flooding her overly thick diapers.  The warmth spread throughout the bottom of her diaper immediately and she could do little but grasp at the front of her diaper fruitlessly.  

It could’ve been a minute, it might have been ten, she wasn’t sure. When she finished, she collapsed backwards in her diaper with squishing ‘splat.’ For a while, she sat there on the floor, in disbelief of her current condition.  A supposed adult, stuck in the thickest, wettest diaper possible - all while worried of what his reaction would be when he came home.

That’s when she heard the footsteps approaching the door.  He was here.  

She tried to spring to her feet, instead stumbling backwards onto her wet bottom again. The door opened, and this would be how he saw her - sitting in just her soaked diaper, struggling to even stand.

“Well?” he said immediately, a smug smile on his face.  “I can see you’re already in your place.”

She blushed and tried to say something, but the words weren’t coming. However, a new thought was forming. Maybe this wasn’t as bad as she thought it was.

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written from its original form on Tumblr. This version is available exclusively for my patrons.


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