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After having been missing for 2 days, Thomas Gorton was found in the center of the Oakdale Circle Mall, tied to an information kiosk.  The discovery hadn’t been made by security in their early morning perimeter check, rather it was made just as the doors opened for the weekend rush.  Only after a crowd of people had formed around the groggy Gorton did security step in and free the man.  

His abduction hadn’t been incredibly newsworthy.  He lived alone, and outside of his work, he communicated with few people. Even his office seemed mostly nonplussed by his absence, assuming that he had either quit or that he’d eventually come back with some sort of excuse.  Truly, the only real reason why his reappearance had created any sort of spectacle at all was because of the nature in which he was found.

His hands had been tied behind his back with thick straps binding his body to the kiosk. While he was described as being found in the nude, this was not completely true. In fact, the only garment that he was wearing was a very large, and very thick, disposable adult incontinence garment - though nobody would refer to it as this.  It was a diaper, and if there was any doubt, one only needed to glimpse the cartoonish print on the front of it.  Could such an infantile diaper be produced at an adult size?  Internet searches would shine a light on the growing industry that fashioned childlike diapers for adults. This would also be all the explanation anyone would need for this incident. Kinks. Fetishes. Fantasies out of control.

The rumors of the details of his subsequent discovery spread like fire throughout town, and while some were not accurate (he was not wearing nipple clamps at the time of his discovery), some were very true (his diaper had, indeed, been quite used by the time he was found).  It had been an intensely humiliating ordeal for Thomas, and while authorities were eager to learn more about how he had been seemingly abducted and left to be found in the mall in such a state, there was little that Thomas could offer - or at least little that he could admit to after such shaming.

And so time would pass, life would return to normal, and it became a local legend.  “The Man Found in Diapers.”  

Let it be said, though, that on a cool November morning, months later, when Thomas would meet with one of his few friends at a coffee shop, he had a little more to offer on the encounter:

“It was well worth the money,” Thomas said.  “One of the greatest thrills of my life.  If you’re interested...I can give you their card.”

“Yes,” his friend said with a nod.  “I’m very interested.”

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original posting on Tumblr. This version is exclusively for my patrons.


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