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I was expecting some sort of reaction, but her seeming indifference had caught me off guard.  I was on my hands and knees, and I had never been so vulnerable.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said, looking me over carefully.  “What makes you think I’d want you back?”

“I just...well...I was doing a lot of thinking, and I think I was wrong…”

“Of course you were wrong,” she barked.  “I gave you exactly what you wanted, and you couldn’t handle it and you ran away.  Why should I believe you now?”

“I...can handle it,” I said, mustering the last of my remaining courage.  “It’s why I came to you like this; on my hands and knees.”

“I’ll admit,” she said, “I’m a little impressed that you’d come crawling back to me. Like, literally crawling. Though, more importantly, I’m curious as to whether or not you are wearing your diapers.”

“Y-yes,” I said hesitantly.  “The truth is that I’ve been wearing them ever since I left.  I...I couldn’t stop if I wanted to.  I think I need them now.”

She laughed loudly.  “Hilarious.  Fitting for a baby like you.  Take off your pants - I want to see for myself.”

In a series of awkward motions, I went from a crawling position, to sitting, to rolling onto my back so that I could shimmy my pants off, revealing my thick diaper - all the while she stared down upon me. I was ashamed to be seen like this, but I was also ashamed that these were the diapers she had to seen. Living on my own had diminished my finances more than I ever could have anticipated, and I’d been relegated to cheap drug store ‘incontinence undergarments’ instead of the bulky and stylized diapers made for adult babies that she had spoiled me with.

She smirked at the pathetic view. “Very good.  Say I was to check that diaper.  What would I find?”


“Oh come now, are you going to be shy about it?  You already crawled into my home on your hands and knees, wearing a giant diaper and you’re going to act modest?”

“I...I’m very wet right now.”

“I thought so.  I could smell it before you even pulled your pants off.  I suppose I could help you with that.”

“Y-yes, please.”

“But by doing so, it’s with the understanding that you’re mine.”

“I know.”

“I’m not fucking around. I’m thinking I’ll get you a collar and a leash.  Would you like that?”

“Y-yes, of course.”  I wasn’t sure if I actually agreed with that or not, but I wasn’t about to admit as such.

“And you should know that since you’ve left, I’ve found myself another man to please me in bed. I won’t be ending that arrangement.”

“I...I didn’t know…”

“It’s not a big concern.  You’re going to have to learn your place again.  He may need you to please him as well.  I may ask him to change your diapers from time to time.  I’m not sure about living accommodations yet.  I’m thinking...a dog crate?”

“Well...I mean...whatever you think is right.”

“You’re so agreeable when you’re desperate.  Come with me, baby.  I still have your baby things in a box in the closet. We’ll change your diaper and then I’m going to sit on your face.  Honestly, I’m not sure of the order just yet.”

“Y-yes, of course.”

“Good.  I’m glad you’re back.”


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