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The day had gone from bad to...disastrous.  

She was desperately in need of a diaper change. It had been dry as she left campus, but clearly it was no match for a full cup of coffee.  It was completely saturated by the time she reached her exit on the freeway.  To make matters worse, she was only a mile away from home when she remembered her promise to bring home some milk from the grocery store for her mother.

Was it worse to wander around a store in a very soggy and sagging diaper, or to go home empty-handed so that she could change first. Somehow, the idea of giving her mother any further ammunition for her disapproval seemed worse than the fear of leaking while in the supermarket. Milk it was.

At the store, slowly but surely, she waddled her way to the back of the store. She was overthinking every step she took, trying not to draw attention to her swollen behind.  Milk in hand, she managed to get to the line for the checkout without making a spectacle of herself. It was just a few more moments of this, and then she’d be back in the car again - and that much closer to both getting a new diaper and pleasing her mother. Best case scenario, she thought, her mother might not even be home. Maybe things were picking up.

It was in that moment that she heard a pointed and purposeful “ahem” from behind her. She disregarded it the first time, not even considering the fact that it had been aimed at her. But when she heard it again, it suddenly spiked her interest. That...sounded familiar. Almost like...

It was then that she suddenly felt a sudden but slight pressure on her bottom.  Like..someone squeezing on her diaper. Someone was! Someone just put their hand on her diaper and gave the squishy bulk of it a light squeeze!  She spun around to see who it was.

“M-mom?” she said, horrified.  Sure enough, her mother stood there, a gallon of milk in her hands too.

“I’m going to assume you didn’t get my message, but I was already out and I figured I’d get some milk myself.  But...maybe what we really need to talk about is what’s going on in your pants right now, young lady.”

“Mom...its, uh, nothing...”

“We’ll talk about it when we get home.”

She quickly put the milk she had been holding down. Later, she’d have no idea what she did with the milk, it was just suddenly out of her hands. She left the checkout line and walked as briskly as she could do her car, one hand on her pants, as her diaper had become heavy enough that she was worried it would pull down her pants had she not been careful. She’d get into the car and drive towards home, tears in her eyes.

She had no idea how she was ever going to explain this one.


Paul Bennett

This was fantastic. Is there a continuation?


There isn’t. But if there’s a demand for one, it’s certainly possible!