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There had been a few tell-tale signs that something was amiss.  The men’s sneakers at the front door.  The copy of Car and Driver sitting on the coffee table.  The framed picture on the wall of the woman he had just met at the bar two hours ago holding hands with some guy.

“Are...you married?” asked Gary.

“Is that a problem?” she responded.

“It’s none of my business.  So long as he doesn’t show up and try to kill me.”

“Trust me,” she said with a laugh, “you won’t have to worry about that.”  

She wasted no time in pulling him closer to her, locking her lips onto his.  Maybe it was the alcohol working its magic, but this felt incredibly intense.  For just a moment he restrained himself from giving into his more primal urges, but once she cupped his ass in her hands, all bets were off.  He tore her sweater off as she kicked off her skirt.  

Somewhere, from another room, something had stirred.

“H-hello?” came a voice.

“Who the hell is that?” asked Gary.

“Oh, the baby must be up.”

“The baby?  You have a kid too?”  He scratched his head, as if considering what he got himself into.  He added:  “You...you left your kid here while you went to the...”

“No, don’t be stupid.  My baby is...well, different.  Come, let me show you.”

Hesitantly, Gary followed her down the hallway. Were he in a slightly better state of mind, he probably would’ve just left. But he was curious now. What the hell was going on here?

She kicked off the few remaining garments she wore, entering what appeared to be the master bedroom in only her panties.  Gary’s eyes transfixed on her body. This might be crazy, he thought, but she was certainly nice to look at. But then - something in the bedroom caught his eye. 

“Is that...”

“A crib?” she said with a smile.  “It is.”

“It’s an awfully large crib.”

“You should take a look inside.”  

Cautiously, he stepped forward, peering over the large bars.  There, within the crib, was... a man.  The man, on his hands and knees, blushed profusely and twisted his away from Gary’s gaze. His humiliation seemed well earned, considering he wore nothing more than a large disposable diaper.  In a few short moments it registered to Gary that the man he was staring at in the crib...was the same as the man in the photograph in the living room.

“Say hello to my husband,” she said.  “Not that he’s of much use to me. He can’t really be trusted to do much more than fuck up our finances and piss himself.  I figured I’m doing him a favor by keeping him in an environment that’s more fitting for his skill-set.”

“He’s pathetic,” Gary said, laughing and shaking his head.

“He probably pissed himself too,” she said with a shrug.  “The stress of seeing another man in his bedroom will do that.”  Then, in a mocking baby-talk:  “Doesn’t it, snookums?”

Her husband mumbled something under his breath, appearing to actually be pouting.  

Gary felt her hand on his shoulder, and when he turned, her lips were on his again. The strangeness of the large baby in the room hardly seemed to matter anymore. He kissed her back.  

“Come to the bed.  I need you to show my baby over there how a real man gets to treat me.”

“With pleasure,” Gary said, pushing her down onto her back on the bed.  He crawled on top of her, biting her neck softly before bringing his lips to her ear.  “When we’re done,” he whispered, “I’m going to spank your baby so hard that he’s going to call me daddy.”

This was all she ever really needed to hear. She wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him even deeper.

From the crib, the big baby whimpered and shriveled under his blanket. He wanted to look away, but found his eyes locked on the two in bed. He worried if what the man had said was true - would he really be reduced to calling this stranger “Daddy” after a spanking? 

He hoped so.

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr.


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