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“I...I don’t believe you,” she said defiantly.  “Hypnosis doesn’t work.  And you definitely didn’t hypnotize me.”

“Is that so?”  Marjorie laughed and shrugged.  “I suggest you take a look at your underwear then.”

“My...underwear?  What the hell is that supposed to mean,” retorted Amy, frustrated at Marjorie’s smugness.  Marjorie had been bragging all week that she had somehow mastered hypnosis and the idea of post-hypnotic suggestion, which Amy had been looking forward to disproving.  Moments ago, Marjorie had waived a pen in front of Amy’s face, yet that was it.  There was nothing else.  No hypnosis.  She was fine.

“Go check.  Do you remember what underwear you were wearing when you came here tonight?”

“Of course.  My green panties.  You know what?  I don’t need to step out of the room.  I’ll show you right here, right now, that I’m wearing...”  She pulled down her pants with a huff, only to lose her breath entirely.  When she looked down, she was not wearing her panties...she was wearing a thick disposable diaper.

“You mean these green panties?” asked Marjorie, holding up the green panties that Amy had been wearing when she first came to visit her.

“H-how did you...what did you...why am I wearing a diaper?”

“Didn’t you see what time it was?” Marjorie asked, that smug smile returning to her face.

Amy slowly turned to the clock on the wall.  4:00 PM?  How was that possible? She had only been here for a few minutes and she got to her house around 2:00.

“We’ve had quite the afternoon so far.  You told me all about your little kinks, and then we went to the store together.  Don’t you remember?  You picked out those diapers all by yourself.”

“N-no...that’s not possible,” Amy said, tears welling up in her eyes.  “I...I would’ve never told you about this.  This isn’t possible.”

“Oh, you told me lots of things. That’s the beauty of hypnosis.  Do you believe me now?”

“I...I just...I should go.”

“Oh, not so fast.  Do you know what else you told me this afternoon?”  Marjorie stepped forward, getting very close to Amy, and whispered in her ear:  “You told me that you wanted to be treated like a little helpless baby.  You needed a big strong mommy to take care of you.”

“I...no...I wouldn’t have said that.”

“I asked you to pick the phrase, that when spoken it aloud, it would instantly take you to your littlest place.  And do you know what you told me?”

Amy couldn’t even speak, she just shook her head in near-disbelief.

“You said that it should be when I ask you:  ‘Do you need your diaper changed?’”

All at once, Amy began to move, as if possessed by something greater than herself.  She quickly kicked off her pants the rest of the way off and proceeded to squat over the ground, her thick diaper just barely hovering above the floor.  On Amy’s face was an expression that was equal parts disbelief and sheer concentration.  Her face was red.  Tears were in her eyes.

“W-what is happening to me?”

“You’re just doing what babies do, my dear,” cooed Marjorie.  “Didn’t you say you wanted this?”

“I...I can’t stop it.  I’m about to...”

“Yes, baby?”


Marjorie tried to hold it back, but she couldn’t, letting out a burst of giggles.

The tears continued to flow down Amy’s face.  She couldn’t stop herself, as she felt it coming now.  Without even a second thought, she put her thumb in her mouth as she filled her diaper in front of Marjorie. Somewhere, deep down inside of her, she knew that maybe she had wanted this all along anyways.

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr. This version exists exclusively for my Patrons. 


Paul Bennett

Thank you for posting your Tumblr archives here. I can't wait to read more.