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Before I had even closed the door behind me, I could see the look of disappointment on Leigh’s face. 

“You’re home early,” she said, sounding deflated.

“The office closed down today,” I said. “It’s probably going to be closed for a few weeks, at least.” Then, hesitantly, I added: “So...I have to work from home for a while.”

She mulled this over for a moment or two before lifting the remote to pause the TV. “We didn’t consider this when we made our agreement, did we?”

“N-no,” I said, optimistic that she’d consider revising the rules given these circumstances.

“But...rules are rules and we both agreed to follow them, isn’t that right, Caleb? What kind of partner would I be if I just allowed for them to change on the fly, all willy-nilly, whenever we’re just slightly inconvenienced?”

“S-sure,” I stammered, “but when we set the rules we didn’t anticipate that the entire country would shut down and that we’d be ordered to shelter at home.”

“But there was also never a clause that allowed for exceptions to be made for any reason.”

She got me there. Still, it wasn’t like we had a binding contract - just some rules we had made up one night.

“I just feel like, maybe, we should revisit the rules for a minute…”

“I’ll tell you what,” she said, crossing her legs. A devilish smile appeared on her face while she gave me a minute to ponder what she was going to propose. “It’s all or nothing. There will either be no exceptions allotted and you will stick to the terms of the rules whilst working from home. Or, we toss the rules altogether and that era is just over.”

“But...we could come back to it later, right?”

“No,” she said flippantly. “I doubt it. Once it's done, it's done. I doubt I’m going to want to come back to this in a month or two after once again shifting my daily routine. So, I’d like an answer right now. All in? Or no?”

This should’ve been an easy answer. If anyone else had been on the outside looking in, it seemed pretty obvious.The shame and humiliation that came along with her rules, completely dissolved? Yes, of course.

But...two people had agreed upon those rules in the first place, and I was one of them. And the rules had been based on my own specifications. Was she bluffing when she said that we’d never revisit them again? I did think she rather enjoyed our life right now, and I found it hard to believe she’d be willing to just give it all up herself.

“I’m waiting,” she said, interrupting my thoughts.

“I...right...hold on…”

I couldn’t make my decision based on what she wanted. What did I want? What could I stand to lose? How badly would I miss this later if it wasn’t there at all?

“All in,” I finally said.

“Very well. You know the drill. We start now.”

I nodded, and left the living room, marching to the bedroom as I normally would have had I come home from work at my normal time.


It had only been a month or two ago that these rules were implemented. I’m not even sure how we landed on the need for the rules in the first place - I believe she just asked me, one day, if I wanted to try an idea that she had and I went with it.

We had always had a pretty adventurous sex life. We had both been switches early in our courtship, and had traded off on finding new and exciting ways to humiliate each other. We had explored everything from hot wax to strap-ons to ropes before stumbling into age-play and diapers. Though, while I say “stumble,” I had long suspected that Leigh had been holding onto the idea for a while and had been anticipating the right time to drop the idea on me.

We both quickly took to it, with each of us latching onto the roles that seemed to fit us best. She excelled as the confident and controlling mommy, while I became the bashful yet eager-to-please baby. Once or twice a week she’d toss a diaper onto the bed, and without hesitation we’d jump into it.

The rules seemed pretty simple at the time, and they felt like an extension of what we were doing often in the bedroom anyways. While at work, or out with my friends, I was allowed to be myself and wear whatever I wanted. However, once I was home, I was to immediately report to the bedroom and remove pants and boxers, and Leigh would put me into a thick diaper. And I would stay that way unless she specifically removed my diaper or I had to go back to work or some other excluded social event. Once the diaper was on me, it would not be removed by anyone except for her - and by extension - this meant that the bathroom was off limits to me during this time as well.

Furthermore, while in the house with just Leigh, I wasn’t to be wearing pants, keeping my diaper exposed at all times. If she put a pacifier in my mouth, it was to stay in my mouth until she removed it. If she put a baby bottle in my mouth, I was to stop what I was doing and drink the entire thing. 

For as much of a commitment as this seemed like it would be, we both adjusted to this new way of life pretty quickly. I’m sure the fact that we both enjoyed this so much had helped, though our excitement hadn’t waned in that time either. Diaper changes, both wet and otherwise, had been something we had played with before the rules were implemented, and after they became so commonplace that neither of us seemed particularly fazed by them anymore.


I entered the bedroom, and instinctually removed my pants and underwear, tossing them into the hamper. I then lied down on my back on our bed while I waited for her. In almost every way, this felt like a typical afternoon for us. Except it was only 1:00 PM now, and I wouldn’t be going to the office tomorrow. Or the day after.

There was a possibility that I could be in diapers full time for the foreseeable future. It could be weeks or even months. While I waited for Leigh, I wondered what effect an exclusive use of diapers would have on me. I considered bringing this up to her - surely she’d see the sense in not having me lose my sense of potty training and having to go back to the office in a diaper.

But...maybe I was curious to see for myself.

“Such a good boy,” she said as she entered the room, plucking a thick diaper from the shelf - it looked to be one of the baby blue ones with the cartoon animal print. I blushed, finding these to be the most embarassing of the diapers we had - which was almost certain to be part of the reason she chose it. “I hope you’re ready for spending more time in a diaper than you have since you were an actual baby.”

“I know…” I said. I almost brought up my fears about depending on diapers for too long, but I didn’t. I wondered if she already had the same thought.

She was already a pro at diapering me, just as I had already become so used to being diapered. My legs lifted in the air and she helped lift my bottom as she slid a diaper beneath me. She doused with me baby powder - a bit more than she normally used, I thought - and quickly wrapped my bottom in the diaper before taping it shut.

“Get used to them, baby. I’m going to place an order for some more this afternoon. We’ll probably be going through a lot of them.”

I blushed as I sat up, my face further entering the cloud of baby powder that had been hovering over my fresh diaper.

“I should probably work on getting the home office set up,” I said.

“I’ll be checking your diaper in a little bit. And then throughout the day.”

I had become used to weekend diaper checks. Sometimes I’d be made to stand before her while she inspected my diaper. Other times, she’d pull open the back of the diaper to have a look for herself. And then there were times when she didn’t have to check my diaper to know that I needed a change.

“But if I need a change while I’m working, should I…”

“No, you just worry about working, baby. I’ll worry about when you get your little diapers changed.” Her condescending tone always managed to melt years from my age. 

I nodded, waddling back to the living room to grab my laptop so I could get to work on setting up my home office for the next few weeks worth of spreadsheets and video conferences. I had walked around the house in just my shirt and diaper countless times in the last few weeks, yet I was feeling a new wave of embarrassment now as I felt the edge of my kink bouncing against the edge of my work. Theoretically it seemed safe...but it was still closer than I had been prepared for.

Three hours had passed since I went into the office. Truth be told, it hadn’t been much of an office as much as it had been a closet the last few months. It took an hour just to dig out a space so that I could use my desk again, followed by a close call when I realized that some empty diaper cartons were in view of the webcam when I had a brief conference with my office team.

I had expected to have been visited by Leigh at that point and I figured she was waiting until she was certain there’d be something to find when she checked me. It was probably a good call, as I had definitely wet myself pretty heavily within the last hour. I had been holding it for a bit - which seemed silly considering that it was going to end up in the diaper sooner or later. Still, there was something about letting go of my bladder while still on the clock that felt new and strange to me.

“Almost done for the day?” Leigh’s voice said as she floated into the office, right on cue.

“5:00,” I said. “I guess I don’t have a lot more to do today, but I should probably at least make it look like I’m busy.”

“Up,” she said, a common command when she wanted to check my diaper while I was sitting. Obediently, I stood where I was, pushing my office chair back a little with my foot. She stepped between the chair and myself, first feeling the bottom of my soggy and swollen diaper. There was no doubt that I was soaked, but she proceeded to pull open the back of my diaper anyways.

“You’re pretty wet.”

“I know…”

“It seems silly to pull you away from work now if you don’t have that much longer to go. Why don’t you stay in your diaper a bit longer. When you’re done for the day, why don’t you report to the bed again and I’ll meet you there to change you.”

“Y-yes, okay.”

She turned and left the room again, leaving me to sit back down in my chair. The diaper’s soaked filling had migrated to the bottom between my legs when I stood up for her - the first time I had stood since wetting. Sitting back down now was a new experience, as the soggy bulk squished beneath me. I couldn’t lie to myself - I was really enjoying this.

The last 20 minutes of my workday were spent switching back and forth from checking my email and feeling my swollen diaper with my hands. I had to be careful not to be caught touching myself in my diaper - Leigh would have spanked me good - but it was nice to sneak some rubbing in where I could.

At 5 on the dot, I closed my laptop and immediately went to the bedroom where I laid on the bed, and waited. A few minutes passed without her appearing - again, I assumed this was purposeful on her part. Taking advantage of the moment by myself, I found myself touching the diaper again, admiring its damp heaviness on my skin.

I could feel myself becoming erect within the diaper, and as much as I wanted to continue caressing the dense padding, it seemed like a bad idea. I put my hands back at my side again and tried to will my cock back into a more flaccid state. 

“It was good of you to stop when you did,” Leigh said from the door. I didn’t realize she had been there. I wondered how long she had been there, but I figured it must’ve been long enough


“I’m not judging, of course,” she said as she strolled into the room. “I don’t have to wear diapers, so I wouldn’t know how it feels. But clearly you enjoy the feeling of being a big baby in a soaking wet diaper.”

She put her hand on the front of the diaper, making me even harder than I had been. She pressed and squeezed, feeling me through the saturated padding. I let out a small moan - I hadn’t even meant to - as I could feel my cheeks burn with redness.

“We’ve had a rule about you touching yourself like a naughty baby when I’m not around. But seeing as how I’m here now, you might be in the clear.”

I didn’t know how to react to this, so I remained still. It felt like a trap, somehow. A moment or two passed with the awkward silence hanging over us.

Finally, she sighed. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

“I...what are…” 

“Go on and touch yourself in your big soggy diaper. That’s what you want to do, yes? And I’m right here giving you permission. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Still not completely convinced it wasn’t a trap, my hands returned to my crotch, and I could feel myself almost immediately springing back to firmness within my diaper. I began caressing the bulge, slowly at first, but I quickly found a perfect combination of speed and pressure that felt otherworldly. 

There was a time when I probably would have been mortified to have been watched in a moment like this, but this hadn’t been the first time - and Leigh had seen much worse. Her presences slowly slid from my mind as I became further lost in my self-inflicted pleasure.Masturbating through a thick diaper wasn’t easy - but I had gotten pretty decent at it. It had been worth it, as the rewards were…

“Oh. Well, that didn’t take long at all,” she said, watching my face twist and contort as I released a conclusive groan from my mouth. “You might have gotten a little too good at that. Perhaps I should find some ways to make that more of a challenge for you.”

I wanted to protest, but I couldn’t quite find the words. Instead, my mouth just hung open as I relished the fleeting remnants of my post-orgasmic rush.

“So now look at you? Wet and sticky, and it's just your first day working from home. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed when I first learned you’d be working from home with me. But, just think of how nice the next few weeks are going to be. All the diaper changes? I think this will give us some more time to explore all the things we’ve talked about doing but haven’t been able to implement.”

“Oh?” I was coming back to reality now, and I was wracked with confusion over whether or not I should be excited or afraid.

“I’ve been wanting to try more frequent bottle feedings. And with all this time together, I’m sure I’ll need a break from you here and there, so maybe it’s time to get that playpen. Oh, and we’ll need a better system for disposing of your dirty diapers, since there will be so many of those stinky little things. Maybe we should look into cloth diapers and plastic pants? And…”

I began to tune out a little, as I started to suspect she was just talking aloud to herself at this point. It was going to be a strange couple of weeks, I thought, and I wondered what it’d be like on the other side.



wow great story. I loved every word. Thanks


No end in sight for this poor lil fellow, huh?