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“Like all things, if you do it often enough you find a rhythm for it. It stops seeming so laborious, you know? It’s just another chore. Put the dishes away. Feed the cat. Take the trash out. Change Liam’s diaper.”

I had heard them talking in the foyer earlier, but this was the first that I could make out what they were saying, as they entered what had been dubbed “the nursery.” I couldn’t see them - my blindfold ensuring that. 

“How often do you have to do that?” said a male’s voice. I had never heard this voice before in my life.

There was something about the man’s tone that I found disconcerting. It was a lack of surprise, I think - it was as if he was talking about a car, not a man locked up in a diaper. Whoever he was, how much did he already know?

“Three or four times a day, typically,” Tessa responded. “Give or take, of course, as I see fit. I try to check him at least once an hour. We’ve had relatively dry days. But we’ve also had some rather dramatic blowouts that just couldn’t wait.”

I felt a hand on my diaper, cupping my bottom, and it gave a slight squeeze. This wasn’t something that Tessa normally did - but I couldn’t be sure that it wasn’t her either.

“And you said he’s in chastity now?”

“He is. I’ve been experimenting with how long I keep him locked up at a time. I find that he is more submissive and subservient the longer he wears his cage.”

“As I’d expect,” the man said, matter-of-factly. “Still, while you say that he is just another chore, this all seems like quite an undertaking, yes?”

I could hear Tessa sigh, and without seeing her body language I couldn’t tell if it was coming from a place of exasperation or frustration. Perhaps some other emotion altogether.

“There was an investment of time when we started. His willingness certainly made the transition easier. He’s the one who packed up all of his belongings - books and records and what-not - and put them into the basement. He assembled the changing table and diaper shelves you see over there. He actually assembled the stocks that he’s in now, believe it or not.”

“I was admiring the craftsmanship, actually,” he said.

The stocks had been an especially humiliating project, as I had toiled away for a week on the wooden gate that I knew I’d later find myself trapped within - as I was in this moment. Leaning forward, my hands and head locked in place by the stocks, naked except for my diaper and the chastity device hidden within. Between the blindfold over my face and the snug pacifier gag tied around my head, most of my movement and senses had been nulled considerably.

“There’s the diaper changes, yes,” Tessa continued. “Bottle feeding. Checking in on his caged-up little toy. Milking him. It’d be a lot if it was just me, but I’ve had help.”

“Help?” he asked.

“This little plaything named Helen. She comes over every other day or so. She is the most voracious little pussy-eater you’ve ever met. She’s so head-over-heels for me that she’ll do just about anything I ask - so you can bet I put her to work wiping down this one’s dirty bottom.”

I blushed, frustrated that I spent so much time blindfolded anymore that I had no idea who was changing my diaper any more.

“Oh, wait,” he said, “you mentioned something before I want to circle back on. Milking?”

“Ah yes, well. Especially with little Liam being locked up all the time, it’s important to consider his prostate health. So once every few days, myself or Helen will ease a finger up his rectum and… Actually, you know what? This is good to know. I should just show you.”

Why would this be good for this stranger to know? And how had I not known that Helen had also participated in this before? How often had she done this?

I tried to protest this happening in front of this stranger, but all that came out was a soft moan from around the ball gag.

“See?” Tessa said. “He’s eager for you to see as well.”

The tapes were pulled back on my diaper and I felt it drop to the ground with a heavy “SPLAT.” I could hear both of them laugh a little.

“He needed a diaper change anyways, I suppose. This is very good timing.” I could hear her moving around. “So, you could use a toy if you wanted - we have a few of those - but I find that I can do a pretty effective job with just my fingers. With practice - and I encourage you to practice as often as it takes - you’ll find that you can curl your fingers in just the right way.”

I imagined her showing him how her fingers curled, though I couldn’t be sure of what was happening in the darkness around me. Then, hearing the all-to-familiar sounds of the cap of the bottle of lube being flipped open and the squeeze of jelly into her hand. While I had once braced myself by tightening my cheeks, repetition had trained me to just stay open and ready.

For the lack of senses, I still feel like I knew the exact moment her fingers would enter me - and I was just about on the dot. A moan escaped my muffled mouth, sounding like a strange animal call.

“He didn’t resist you at all?” the man asked, seemingly impressed.

“Regular routines and habits are amazing tools,” she said. “I cannot stress this enough. If I wanted, in a week I could have him begging to eat dog food out of a bowl on the ground for every meal.”

I swallowed, hoping that she hadn’t actually planned on doing any such thing. Yet, in this moment, with her fingers inside me, slowly creeping in deeper, I felt like I’d agree to just about anything.

“I have no need for a dog,” he said. “But that’s good to know.”

Her fingers reached as far as they could before slowly easing out, only for her to slowly ease them in again. This deliberate pace was contrary to the more exact and immediate motions she used when it was just us - or with Helen, apparently. I suspected she was showing off a little, and my anticipation of her focusing on my g-spot had me on pins and needles.

I became aware of the sounds unconsciously emitting from my gag - a mix of labored breathing and moaning. Occasionally I’d catch giggles or laughs from one of them, but most of my attention was on the building pleasure I was feeling, and my lust for more of it.

“I don’t typically spend a lot of time teasing anymore,” she said. “I’m sure he enjoys it, but this is merely a job for myself or Helen. Whether or not Liam enjoys any of this is on him. Though, as you can see, he seems to enjoy this quite a bit.”

I could feel her fingers bending, her fingertips finding that magic spot, and the guttural cry that came from my mouth signaled as much.

“That’s the reaction you’re looking for,” she continued. “When I hear a sound like that, I know that I’m right where I need to be. And, really, it doesn’t take much at this point. Just watch how quickly this goes…”

It was hard to know exactly what she was doing. This was always the part where I began to disassociate a little - losing my sense of where and when I was as waves of pleasure washed over my body. Her fingers were on the button and she was tapping it. Or hitting it with a hammer. Tap dancing on it. I had no idea.

And finally, all at once, there was an explosion. Some primal muffled babble erupted from my gag as I felt any semblance of strength in my body dissipate completely.

“He’s going to be out of it for a minute or two,” I could hear her say - somewhere on a far off island in another dimension. “Thankfully the stocks will hold him in place.”

“Quite a mess,” he said, assumedly referring to the sticky stream that was no doubt oozing from my chastity device. I couldn’t even feel it.

“You can deal with it however you’d like. I’ve tried dealing with it in various ways. I’ve had him get on his hands and knees and lick the floor clean with his mouth. I’ve had him dribble into his diaper. I’ve had him empty himself into a baby bottle. Be creative, I say. Try not to repeat yourself too often. I find that these orgasms still leave him pretty horny afterwards, unlike when I play with his mostly useless cock. Take advantage of that.”

“I have some ideas,” he said.

“So, what do you think? Did you want to borrow him?”

My heart sank before beginning to race again, just as I had begun to cool down from my rather humiliating anal orgasm.

“I would like to do that, yes.”

“Why don’t you stay the night. That way both of you can get a good feel for each other while I’m here to help walk you through it.”

“That sounds perfect, actually. And while we’re at it, we can…”

“...Catch up from where we left off the other night? I was thinking the same thing. I haven’t come like that in years.”

Their voices drifted off as I could hear them leaving the room. I hung from the stocks, now completely nude as my caged cock continued to drip slowly. I had known she had someone else with her in the bedroom the other night - how could I not with the way she had been screaming and moaning - but I had never seen this coming.

We had talked about this once. We put it all on the table. She told me all of the possibilities, and I told her that as long as we were both safe and sure, I wouldn’t say no. And I knew that later today she’d come back to the nursery and she’d put me into a new diaper. While she was doing so, she’d ask if I was okay. She’d make sure that I was okay with this. And I would tell her that I was, and I’d mean it.

Somewhere, in another room, I heard her moan again. Already?

I wondered where I’d be a week from now. I wondered how many more new voices I’d hear.


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