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"Do you want to hear something hilarious?  Well, you know how I've been treating hubby's little...ahem...problem, lately?  Well, he's been swearing up and down that he doesn't need extra protection.  He was literally on his hands and knees this morning begging me not to make him wear a diaper today."

"Rebecca," said her husband's voice from the living room, "please tell me you're not telling your sister about this on the phone right now."

"Well, wouldn't you know it, I just came home and noticed a peculiar smell.  Can you guess what it was?  Yes!  It was him!  He had made this huge mess in his diaper, and now I have to change him.  He's lying on the floor right now, waiting for me.  I just had to call you and tell you about it.  Oh, don't worry, I'm sending over a photo in just a minute."

"Rebecca, please...nobody needs to know about this.  It was just an accident!"

"Alright, sis, I got to go.  This diaper isn't getting any less stinky."


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