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I slowly tiptoed into the living room, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It would’ve been pretty difficult, nay impossible, to actually be as invisible as I wanted to be, but my instincts for self-preservation couldn’t be overwritten.

Jennifer was positioned at the far end of the room in her favorite chair - the teal one that she claimed made her feel like a queen - while her friend Anya had stretched herself out on the loveseat as they talked about whatever it was that had them constantly laughing. Probably me.

No sooner than I had taken three steps into the room, they stopped what they were discussing and their eyes were on me.

“Yes?” Jennifer asked sternly.

“I...I wanted to discuss something with you. Could you join me in the kitchen for just...a moment?”

She didn’t immediately respond. Instead, she glanced over to Anya and rolled her eyes. Anya just smiled devilishly. There was no doubt that they both knew what I was trying to ask of Jennifer. This made my cheeks flare with warm blood.

“No, why don’t you just tell me right here whatever it is that you wanted to say?”

“I...I just think that maybe…”

“I’m not going to get up, and I’m not going to have any conversations with you that you can’t say here. So either say whatever it is you thought was so important, or get out of my sight.”

I couldn’t be sure if I actually was or not, but I felt like I was sweating profusely. On one hand, I was sure that Anya already knew everything there was to know about the embarrassing predicament that I had found myself in as of late. But on the other hand, I wasn’t sure if I could even bring myself to say the words here in front of her.

“I just...well...if you could spare a moment, I think I need to have my...I need my…” I paused and tried to collect my thoughts. The girls giggled and glanced at each other playfully.

“Do you need to take some time and think about what you need to ask?” Jennifer asked.

“N-no.  I...I need you to...change...me. Please. Y-yes. I need a change now, please.”

“A change?” Anya asked teasingly. “What sort of change?”

“A good question, indeed,” nodded Jennifer. “Well? Tell me more about what you would have me help you change.”

“My...d-d…” The word seemed to become thick and was lodged in my throat. I felt tears welling in my eyes. I was tempted to just turn and leave. I’d retreat to the bedroom and I’d just stay there until Anya left and I’d come back and ask again. It didn’t matter how long it took. It could be hours. Days. I’d wait it out and…

No, I couldn’t be foolish. I had waited long enough as it was, and had already been desperate enough to seek out Jennifer in the first place. This really couldn’t wait.

“I didn’t catch that,” Jennifer said. “One more time?”

“My diaper!” I blurted out. “I...I need to have my diaper changed. P-please…”

“Ah, I see,” she said, folding her hands in her lap innocently. She turned to Anya: “See? I told you. Completely dependent on both his diapers and me.”

“I’m impressed,” Anya said with a nod. “Though, I don’t envy you having to clean that grown man’s diaper.” She waved her hand in front of her nose, erasing my last microscopic ounce of dignity.

“It’s messy,” Jennifer said as she stood up from her chair. “But I’ve grown rather fond of it. I think it's worse for him than it is for me. And, really, that’s the whole point.”

I turned and left the room, with Jennifer following behind me. I wondered if my plump diaper was visible through the baggy sweatpants that she had allowed me to wear today...but it probably didn’t even matter. Really, the worst of it was over. I said what I had to say. I’d get my change. And after, I could sink into the Earth, as far as I could go, and hopefully never have to be seen by Anya again for a good while.

“Actually,” Anya called out behind us.


“Do you mind if I tag along? I’d love to see this.”

“Of course,” Jennifer said. I couldn’t see her face behind me, but it just sounded like it was smiling widely.

My cheeks reddened again, their deepest red yet, and I braced myself for whatever was to transpire.


John Doe

This one is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES :) Any chance there may be more like this in the future?