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Heya mutants, how are you doing? The temperatures are quite high where I am but that's how we like it in the wasteland.

As I mentioned recently, after finishing off with the dialog improvements, it's time to start implementing extra Hoover Dam contents. So now, the school quests are getting my attention along with the custom elevator art that connects the Rim and the Downtown. As you can see from the screenshot, the Prisoner is holding a class. There will be a couple of variations on how that goes depending on the player's stats. Not to mention a funny dialog between a retard character and the teacher where he asks her about "the birds and the bees".

Besides that, I also fixed some smaller bugs I discovered along the way.

And I also spent some time figuring how to backup everything - not only the source, but hundreds of gigabytes of dev files that are used for making this game. I am using a Win 10 computer I bought 6 years ago for the development. And I fear it might break down without any warning so better be sure everything this game needs is safe and sound.

Talk to you soon with more news from the scorching wasteland,



Roman Leibiuk

Looking good my friend ! Any chance for people to beta test it?


How do i play the game the link for the latest release is dead