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Hello mutants,

I am back with a quick update on our favorite dam. Work is under way in the west side of the Dam. Police HQ, Caravan HQs, the Bar and a couple of other buildings of interest are there so it will be a fun, quest-heavy area to visit.

I like the area a lot as it houses the NCR power-players in the NCR-BOS war so it needs to reflect that visually and acoustically, not only through writing. I am actually drawing from my own experience of war I lived through in my childhood to make it the best it can be.

Until next week,




Have you seen the Dam location in Fallout: Nevada? Looks pretty good! It will be interesting to compare them.

Willem Brits

Thanks for the update PJ, appreciate it. Happy to hear that progress is being made on this central part of the game as well as plot. Sorry to hear about the fact that your childhood was touched by war. I also grew up in conflict-ridden environments and this makes it easy to relate to war...war never changes. Looking forward to your next update. Take care of yourself.

PJ & Co

Hi JR, I have seen the Dam in Fallout: Nevada but only visually. I know nothing anout the size of the actual location or its content. The Dam in Van Buren is an enormous location. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it once it’s ready!

PJ & Co

Hi Willem, I am also sorry that you spent your childhood in a conflicted environment. Thank you so much for wishing me well! I have the best supporters. Looking forward to finishing the Dam and hearing what you think of it. Take care!