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Heya mutants, as you recall I was trying out various ways to merge the isometric buildings and rounded shapes of the Dam and have found it! It works the best if I follow the concept art and make the Rim a bit more like Junktown, irregular and makeshift in its essence. Which makes sense since the NCR settled in and used what they found lying around to build a new town.

There’s one downside to the cool houses spread along the Dam in that concept art - they’re not quite defined in the design docs and aren’t meant to be visited by the Prisoner. Maybe we can work something out later, because there are no casinos in the design doc. None at all 🫠 And we can’t have that! Wink Wink

The art alignment on the Dam is progressing fine and I think by the end of the next week the Rim will be finished so you’ll be able to visit it! And I have a new companion ready for you so stay tuned!

Onwards, to the finish line and one step closer to the completion of the Dam, yours truly,

-PJ & Co



Nolan Burke

By completion do you mean just location completion or also quest completion for the Dam too?

PJ & Co

Location completion! I actually have dialogs completed too. Coding the quests is coming afterwards as I need both the finished location and dialogs to have them properly implemented

Willem Brits

This looks awesome PJ, really loving the artwork and cannot wait to see this (or as close as possible) in the Fallout 2 engine. Thank you again for all the hard work in bringing this to life. Really looking forward to it.