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Heya mutants!

Sorry for the late update but another incredible week is behind us!

I finaaaaaaaaaaally got back access to my old Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/f3vanburen with 4,000+ fans. After I updated the page with a link to the latest release the page simply exploded! Just look at those numbers! Fans were throwing comments, likes, hearts and shocked emojis our way for days. We'll never forget that :D

And I replied to more than 100 messages sent to us, some even going back to 2014. The page was neglected for too long but that has changed now.

This also lead to team growing in size again and we're now operating in the following lineup:

  • 6 writers
  • 2 artists
  • 1 designer
  • 2 programmers
  • 2 composers
  • 3 "pending" team members
  • And there's also me as a project lead who does everything: art, programming, writing, etc.

So that's 14 members, possibly 17 in total! That's incredible as for the last 14 months it has mostly been just me working alone. We're on a roll mutants :D

We are moving forward fast, with new content being produced every day. This also means our testing of new releases will involve more people so hopefully more bugs will be squashed before we make a public release.

Speaking of the new content, we mostly focused on CGI storyboarding, writing new dialogs, fixing plot holes, passing around crucial information about why is this might be the greatest Fallout game ever to new team members, adding new world map encounters, adding new party member features...

Another big thing that we also decided upon is to add support for both the original Van Buren timeline and the one that fits the game into Bethesda's timeline. This will be an option during the installation and I will share more details once we iron everything out.

See you soon with more exciting news,

- Team Fallout Yesterday


Holy Flame!



This is incredible news! Are there any concerns regarding consistency of design choices or quality of work?

PJ & Co

Thank you! Not really, no concerns. All of the team members are big classic Fallout fans but some would like to place the game inside the big picture of all Fallout games. Personally, I see it only as part of FO1, FO2, FOT timeline but I don't speak for everybody. So there will be a choice during installation!

Willem Brits

Very happy to hear the good news that you have more support for working on the project now PJ. All the best to you and your team. :)