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Hello mutants!

Hope you are doing great! As our team increased with new members joining, we spent the last week going over our "Statement Vision" document.

Inside, we wrote 11 statements that make Fallout Yesterday what it is. These go hand in hand with the ones from Fallout 1 vision statement, summing up to 25 total :D

Our meeting lasted well over 5 hours and we managed to discuss everything in great detail! We're all looking forward to our upcoming creative meetings and sharing our progress with you over the upcoming months.

Speaking of the progress, we worked on new dialogs for all locations slated for R4 release, CGI storyboarding/concepts, new nasty enemies have been added to the game, and new music is being composed!

As of this week, I'm starting to implement finished quests and code for all areas. There's lots of content to go over and it will take a couple of months. But this does mean R4 is in the final phases of development from my viewpoint.

We are on the lookout for any programmers that might join the team. Since I am the sole programmer, that is our bottleneck currently. Another dedicated programmer would make things go faster. So if you know anyone good at Fallout 2 modding, send them our way.

All the best and talk to you soon!

- Fallout Yesterday Team


Lawful Neutral

Interesting, I thought programmers were easier to find than artists and writers. One doesn't need to have any special talents to write scripts, just a lot of patience. At least that's why I became a software developer :D The scripting language in Fallout is a bit annoying to use though.

PJ & Co

Sadly that's not the case. Guess after 20+ years classic Fallout modders became an endangered species. I am currently the only person on the team who knows how to "put everything together" to make the game.