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Hello mutants,

PJ here with some gooooood news! 

So for the last few days I have been reaching out to some members from the old 2014 team and guess what? Some of them replied back willing to return to the team!! :D :D :D

So far, we have the main writer, mapper (who turned pro in the meantime) and composer (who also turned pro in the meantime) back!

Additionally, one artist and a designer might also come back soon. Let's hope others come back too :)

So with the team expanding quickly, I spent the weekend preparing our task lists, forums, wiki and such so they can all be in one place. Also, went over the basics of setting up and using the mapping tool with our old/new mapper. Fallout 2 mapper is similar yet different than FOnline's mapper.

Anyways, those would be news for this week. I did spend some time working on the game as well but those were mostly bugfixes.

See you next week with hopefully an even bigger team :)

-PJ & the Gang



Exciting! Securing such talent would be an excellent time investment!