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Hello mutants!

This week I was focused on two things: 

1) Adding finished Dogtown dialogs to the game. All of the dialogs except for a few characters have been finished.

2) Working on the main story.

Dogtown dialogs are self-explanatory so let's focus on what "main story work" did I do? I promised to talk about this a few weeks ago and now is the time.

As many of you know, many things related to the main story were left out of the Van Buren docs. Me and the writers filled in those gaps back in 2014. and additional information was provided by Chris Avellone back then.

All of this was great but still some questions remained. What's the overarching theme? How do we relay that to the player? What happens if the player does something that deviates from the main plot? How does it compare to Fallout 1? How does it compare to Fallout 2? Is it better than Fallout 1? Is it better than Fallout 2? Hard questions as you can see.

But I was determined to work it out and now I can finally say that I have the answers to all of these questions. So, what does this mean for the next release?

This means that R4 will also feature more content related to the main story. So far, it felt like that was pushed to the background and rightly so. 

I didn't want to add too much while still building the framework. With that said, expect many interesting things in the upcoming R4 which give the game its own identity - very similar to the one from Fallout 1 and 2 yet upgraded! 

Looking forward to sharing more details as we progress.

Take care and see you next week,



Christian Sanchez

Great Update, also wanted to ask: Have you ever thought about adding in a Valve style Directors commentary to the game? Perhaps in some findable Holotapes where you and the team discuss your work for anyone interested? I’ve always felt like too few games actually have this. Or alternatively a Pathologic 2 esqu in game Q&A. Basically an Easter egg that the player can stumble across in a hidden room or location where there are in game sprites of the FEV team and the player can ask an in game version of you questions about the game. Either way I can’t wait for R4

PJ & Co

Thank you, Christian! I haven't thought of doing a Director's Commentary but would love to. Many fans would appreciate it :) I'll think of a best way to integrate it into the game and I guess we would do it later in the development stage