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Heya mutants,

as you might guess from this dev diary's title, the last week was all about writing dialogs.

My fingers hurt and my brain is cooked but I managed to finish 15 dialogs over the last 7 days. That's how I function - when I focus on something I tend to overdo. I'll try and keep at it as we will have a whooping cca 90 new NPCs in R4 needing a dialog. Boy oh boy, look at those numbers, this game is all about breaking records... largest world map, largest number of towns, largest number of dialogs... :D

Well, I have nothing more to report right now asides from that. The thing is .. we want you to get your hands on R4 ASAP, that's where the real reading material is.
So for me, more dialog writing in the upcoming week.

See you then, mutants!



Lawful Neutral

Please don't forget to take time for yourself, burnouts are very common, and the first signs are somewhat hard to notice.