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Hello mutants,

this week has been productive! 

I finished Mesa Verde maps and then I spent the weekend working on animations for new creatures: mutated rattlesnakes, giant bats, CRB-S units, new ghouls, and desert stalkers.

Although seeing new creatures in the game is always exciting, adding them inside the Fallout 2 engine isn't much so. 

Thousands of images need to be organized, edited and imported manually. Rinse and repeat! But we're getting there, one frame at a time ;-)

New music has been added to the game! It's hard to pick a favorite new track as they're all great. Can't wait until you hear it!

One other thing before I go - just gave an interview to ramblelime's YouTube channel! He asked me a few questions about the game and modding and then I rambled on for 30 minutes :D

Not sure when it's coming out but you will be able to watch it here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPH8fkMZHRtfaXVh8b61Zw 

See you soon,




Oh man, I'm so hyped for those new enemies, especially rattlesnakes (hagsnakes?) I'd love to see centipedes too. Will those new enemies have stronger/rarer/boss variants? Like deathclaw -> Tough deathclaw etc.

PJ & Co

Rattlesnakes and hagsnakes are different enemis. So yes, hagsnakes will be in there too :) Centipedes too but later due to time required to set them up in the engine. Tougher variants are in of course hehe

Paladin Ratibor

Alexander Poshelyuzhin (author of Fallout: Sonora) announced the addition of scolopendras in the next patch for Sonora, writes that they have been implemented, it remains only to deal with their spitting. I think if you ask him for the source code, he will give it without problems.