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Hello there mutants,

here I am with the late update. Was planning to do one yesterday but got tangled in work and was so tired that I left it for today. It's better to write when you're well rested, who wants to read gibberish from someone half-awake? XD

Between work on Blackfoots and bug fixing (no more holodisk crashes!), what kept me so busy this week have been locations and custom art for Mesa Verde. Everything was going smoothly until I reached the upper limit of new art a Fallout 2 engine can handle. Yes, the game has that much new art in it. Luckily, I quickly found a suitable workaround and continued working as if nothing happened. 

Another task I worked on was converting the Mesa Verde dialog files extracted from Van Buren tech demo. Incredibly, most of the dialogs for that location were already done by Black Isle Studios so I will bring them back in all their glory.

And one final thing I have to mention is that Mesa Verde probably has one of the best soundtracks of all locations.

A beautiful low-level location with great music - what more can a Fallout fan ask for?

See you soon,




Didn't know about Mesa Verde. Was the actual location in the tech demo? Do you know the origins of this screenshot: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/9/9e/Mesa_Verde.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20091022120531


Also, would it be possible to make the location look more like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Palace


Awesome news, it's great that you'll be using original dialogue too!