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Heya mutants,

this update will be a bit different than usual ones as I feel I should answer some frequently asked questions.

But before I do, here's a recap on some of the things I've done this week.

- added talking heads to some characters

- started writing code for Mesa Verde. This means that Mesa Verde will be the first playable location for R4.

- Upgraded Pip-Boy from to 2000 model to Lil' Pip 3000 model.

- Added two encounters related to the main story.

- Fixed some bugs from previous releases.

- Found some commercial videos which will help me create animations for the game. Haven't bought them yet though!

- My interview got published! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaMJCHryTQ8


Now back to the FAQ!


Q: Why don't you support HI-RES patch out of the box?

A: The final game will have 450 maps. That's 3 times the size of Fallout 2. I currently don't have the manpower to convert all the maps to HI-RES format. Otherwise they look bad. Really, really bad. Like in a broken way bad.

Another big reason is that once enabled, the HI-RES patch brings down the FPS to single digits which makes the game unplayable. I have no idea why is that so, tried all I could to fix it but it didn't help. I have no one to report this to because the HI-RES author stopped supporting it in 2014 and never released the source code.

Q: When is the game getting finished?

A: The main story will resolve in the next 3 big updates. All the updates after that will add the rest of the game locations that aren't critical to the main story. These big updates are each equivalent of 3 smaller updates, like the ones I did before. I assume that I will be able to release a big update every 9 months but things are going faster than I thought so we will see. Maybe one big update every 6 months. 

Q: Will NPCs react to my super mutant or ghoul race?

A: Right now, only a few NPCs will react to your race but the target is that most acknowledge you being different. Our focus now is on normal and dumb dialog. Race reactions will be added last after all the dialogs are finished. It would take too much time to add it right now.

Q: Will talking heads be voiced?

A: We hope so! The plan is to hire professionals to voice-act but it all depends on our Patreon funds.

Q: How many companions will be in the final game?

A: 21 for certain, probably even more.

Q: Will Caesar's Legion be more present?

A: Yes, the Legion will be more present more similar to what was initially planned for the game but got cut and reduced with time.

Q: What is VACCS?

A: Short for Vault-Tec Atomic City Construction Set. It's a location that is tied closely to the G.E.C.K. device and won't be explained or accessible until all of Van Buren content is done. 

It is something that I have planned for the "expansion" and is related to cut content from Fallout 2.

Q: What is the Crater?

A: A location only mentioned in Van Buren. It will be accessible only after all base Van Buren content is done.

Well, I think that covers the FAQ for now. Let me know if there are any other questions you might want me to answer in the comment below.

See you soon,




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