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Once again, all the best in 2021 mutants! Hope you've had a blast celebrating. We're in a lockdown so it was pretty tame but what can we do except make the best of the situation. 

Besides celebrations, this week was quite busy! I was writing code and dialogs for all the new areas: 2 full fledged locations, 3 smaller ones, and 2 teaser locations. Plus a special encounter. Yes, it seems I just can't stop myself from adding new locations to this update.

So from the looks of it, lots of good things are coming your way! :D

And now for the two worrying things I have noticed: first, when I revised the roadmap for everything needed to be done just to have the main plot areas in the game - I arrived at a date of May 2023! And that is in the best scenario where I release an update every 3 months, around 10 updates in total from now. Mid 2023 seems so far away! So what I was thinking, maybe doing bigger updates instead of these smaller ones every 3 months? Bigger updates with 2 or 3 finished full locations which you can enjoy for a longer period?

And the second worrying thing is that we have a steady drop off of patrons, which beats the purpose of our attempts to gather money for voice acting, cinematics and hiring extra help. 

Money isn't affecting my motivation as I have everything I need to finish the game but I was really hoping for those beautiful animated talking heads with full voice acting and super-cool cinematics.
If our Patreon numbers continue to dwindle down, it might not make sense to keep a Patreon page anymore.

Let me know what you think in the comments.




I think that Yesterday still needs more time to gain publicity. I'll also try to attract more fans :) Smaller vs bigger updates... that's up to you, although it will be easier and faster to find bugs in smaller releases. I don't know if I'm in a majority or minority of fans here, but for me voice acting and cinematics are low priority really. I'm way more into more skill/stat checks, more options, choices and consequences etc - deep mechanics > cool visuals.

Kazuma Chaos

Im sorry i had a rough christmas :( im back though, when my payment fails rest assured i will return. i will increase the amount i offer if it will help the animated talking heads man :( hope my side story isnt cancelled