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Hello mutants, 

thanks to everyone who replied to my questions and gave suggestions. We even received new patrons. All of that is much, much appreciated! I still haven't decided on whether to switch over to big updates or keep it like it is but I feel that decision is best left for after we get the 3rd release out.

This week flew by and I can't say that I focused on just one thing. I worked on dialogs, programming, tweaking maps and testing new world map encounters. What I like most about this update is how it opens up the world map and gives you incentive to explore it in all directions. There will be plenty of rewards with it but the resources such as ammo will be scarce so careful planning in some tough battles will be a must!

With that said, I'll conclude this week's quick update and go back to the workshop.

Talk to you soon friends,




Great news! Scarce resources sound awesome. Wasteland economy is interesting.

Paladin Ratibor

Congratulations! With each update, there will be more subscribers!