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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, mutants!

Here we are in the 2020's last update. Hope you are all enjoying the festivities, resting and having fun. And also looking forward to ending this year and leaving all the bad things behind us. Lots of good things happened in it too, and I consider my coming back to Van Buren as one of those things. 

I made great progress with the upcoming release recently. I expect the Brotherhood to be completely finished in the next two days. After that, there's some more work left on programming another two bigger locations and R3 will be good for a release!

Also, I've updated the world map around the new locations so you can expect some new encounters there. Some of these will yield great rewards but also great dangers.

I'm very happy with this upcoming update, as we will finally be seeing other locations Black Isle Studios planned for Van Buren. Not to mention get to experience more of that perfect post-apocalyptic atmosphere that could have only been created 20 years ago at Interplay.

Well, time for me to end this update and go back to work.

See you in 2021. Thank you everybody!




Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Looking forward to hear more about the next update.

Kazuma Chaos

rough christmas, but i made it through alive :)