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The polls will be available just for a few days from now on!
(at least for this project), so, make sure to do it in time c: 

Deadline: Saturday 12 pm (noon) (PT) 



The details for the winner transformation will be decided on next polls


House wife, ooh maybe even different time period type house wife :p


I really want to see your take on a magical girl, just because I think it will be awesome.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I don't really have much, if any preference out of these options, but I chose, "Magical' first and 'Animal' just because I think there is more potential to make the transformation darker and more dangerous / edgy. Personally, I'd prefer a 'Magical Girl' who was more sinister and sexy, than cute and bubbly, or an 'Animal Girl' with claws and fangs (Panther or Dragon?), instead of being cute and fluffy. You could do a dark variation with any of the choices, but since the Housewife option seems to be winning, a '50's rockabilly pin-up wife or mobster's femme fatale trophy wife would get my vote (or combine Housewife and Animal with a Bunny and Clyde gangster version of Easter).