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Hey everyone!!! 

The previouse Poll winner was HOUSE WIFE!

So, nOW it's time to decide what caused our "victim" to turn into a lovely house wife?
Was it a magical object? a poorly made wish? some weird science??
who knows!?

Also, who's our victim? he does needs to have a physical appearance of course,
but also a job, or a hobby or some kind of background that is related somehow to what caused the transformation (maybe, isn't really a must)

Doesn't need to be too elaborated since this comic would be more about the transformation than anything else, but some background might be useful :p

-No more than a post per person, but feel free to comment or like other comments
-Suggestions with more likes get more chances to be chosen as usual

Deadline: Monday 12 pm (noon) (PT) 



Husband complains that his wife doesn't clean the dishes well enough. He tells her he's going to do them after dinner so they're done right, but his wife snuck secret dish soap onto the kitchen counter for him to "accidentally" use...


A lawyer complains that the secretary at the firm isn't doing a great job with licking envelopes and wants to do it himself. Little does he know that the same secretary has been getting lewd comments from the men at the firm including the lawyer, and for revenge has placed a "special glue" on the envelopes.


Son wants to buy beer for him and girlfriend, girlfriend makes him over to look like his mother (who is away on a long cruise vacation) and comes out looking just like her. He uses his mom's ID at a convenience store, but runs into his teacher, who mistakes him for his mother, and wants to take "her" out for drinks. Refuse, and he'll fail the son. A month later, the girlfriend phones and wants to know why he's never around anymore, but he can't answer as he's accepting an engagement ring from the teacher.


Man cleans out his parent's old house and finds a bracelet that his mom used to wear. The bracelet snaps to his wrist and it turns him into a fetish '50s housewife, just as UPS delivers to the house "her" husband...


A lazy husband is asked by his wife to help clean around the house more often to which he responds “that’s a job for a woman not a man”. The wife pretends to agree with her husband and sprays a magical bottle of air freshener to get back at him. This magical spray then turns him into an obident house wife ready to clean the house while the wife gets the much needed break she deserves.


Prisoner on the run must hide in old house. But here lives crazy scientists who needs to test his last experimental serum...


How about a family curse?


A voluntary change! A man steps into the house, wearing his suit and hat and tie and sets down his briefcase. He takes off his shoes, and slips on heels. He picks up another pair of heels by the door. Then, as he walks through the house he changes, until she gets to the kitchen as a full fledged housewife. She puts the shoes in the closet, and goes back to the front door. Another suited professional man comes in, and is all “honey, I’m home!” And then he asks where *his* heels are, and our first person very suggestively is like “you’ll need to do a little something to me first honey-buns...”


Heartthrob Personal trainer/Yoga instructor who went a little over above with his clients. One high powered executive of magical persuasion liked his classes so much she decided she wanted the mind/body experience exclusively, 24/7/365 with meal prep included.

Crazy sam10

Perhaps it’s a bored office worker who wishes they could have an easy work from home life. This of course backfires making them a housewife.


Lazy gamer geek sitting on his couch, his GF chides him about the amount of dust covering everything. She picks up an anime magica; girl figurine from a coffee table and blows the dust at him. The dust has a shimmer about it and when it lands on the guy, dust bunnies rise up from under the couch covering him from head to toe. Once the dust clears, he is transformed into a lovely 50's housewife. Final panels is him kissing his beloved wife coming home from work, the house sparkling clean, but on the wide shot, a few dust bunnies can be seen peeking from under some furniture or from within the dust vents of the now abandoned game console


Weird science, maybe experiment by two guys. Sorry when I read Weird Science the song from the movie got stuck in my head.

Beryllium Mask

College age guy is student and a professional product tester and reviewer. He just got a new home and as such gets to review a whole new category of products. Including this complete 'Total Home Care' package. As he goes to uses these items, and figure out the ins and outs of owning a home he changes bit by bit not aware of them. Maybe ends with a guy coming home as the 'glowing review' s/he writes with the final product being a man to take care of.


Run of the mil somewhat fit office worker wage slave is busy trying to cook dinner for his extremely high powered, hot, and stacked lawyer wife. Through the power of love and willpower, he becomes a bubbly, bouncy housewife who has an amazingly tasty taco ready to eat by the time her wife gets home. Also she finished cooking dinner.


Guy has a hard time finding job and stays at friend's house. Friend tell guy to not worry about rent because guy has been doing the cleaning and cooking. Suddenly friend got a call, become panic. His parents are coming and he lied that he has a girlfriend who clean and cook for him like a house wife. So friend ask if guy can help out and dress up. Guy come back from salon and friend fall in love to "the wife"


Somehow husband turns into housewife. Simple but affective.

Kaffeyette Lektor

A lonely, middle-aged, male software designer (or TG artist), who works from home, orders a package of special vitamins and motivational tapes from an on-line business to transform himself and help him find a sexy, pin-up wife, but there is a mistake at the company dispatch, and they send a package to turn him into a sexy, pin-up wife instead (the type of mistake that usually only happens in insta-cosplay machines). He takes the daily 'vitamins' and listens to the audio files while sleeping each night, and each morning he unknowingly becomes more and more like his dream wife. The house also gradually transforms from a dirty 'man-cave' to a shiny, clean and fashionable home. When the company does follow-ups on customer satisfaction and discovers their mistake, they send a manager to investigate the issue - a tall, athletic, androgynous lesbian. When the manager arrives, she sees the feminised, pin-up housewife-man, and finds him/her very attractive, so she seduces him/her and they later get married, with the manager playing the stereotypical husband role and the feminised man playing a stereotypical 50's pin-up houswife.


while cleaning out a recently deceased elderly relatives house a man finds a 1950s cookbook. While reading it man is turned into a housewife.


Role playing with wife about role reversal gets turned into reality by magic creature who had been spying on them and grants their "wishes" that they didn't know anyone was listening to...


Middle aged, powerful, conservative politician rails at a campaign rally about returning to a better more simple time with a Norman Rockwell esque painting on a screen behind him. A magical being (dijinn? witch? gypsy? leprechaun?) takes the will force of the audience to place the politician into the 'better more simple time' represented in the painting... as the housewife, serving dinner to her husband.


ok, beta guy with a thin body thinks his luck has changed when a beautiful woman wants to marry him. but when they get married, he soon realizes that She wants HIM to be the wife and she forces him in the perfect housewife dres, flowered with petticoats and an apron