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Hey everyone!!!
Sorry, long post…

I bring you news!
Good news I believe, but some people might not be very happy about this not being part of the content delivered here on this Patreon, we will see… 

So, there is a new Comic a made coming soon, on TGCOMICS!!!
or more likely soonish, around the end of the year… :p
and is a long one c:  

Now, for some Background, I started to make this comic around 4 years ago,
at that time my Patreon was around a year old,
It was still very new, so I needed more projects project to keep me afloat.

Since I had already worked on 2 successful comics for TGCOMICS (Brand New World and Marina) it was a no brainer to make a new one, and I wanted to make a big project again (similar to Brand New World in length)

Long story short, while I was working on this project this Patreon started to do really well, so I focused my attention here. I kept this other project on hiatus, but I would work a little bit on it at every chance I had…  And after 4 years and a fraction, it’s finally done! 

So, as mentioned before, this project won’t be part of this Patreon,
if you consider to get your hands on it you will have to purchase it on TGCOMICS.
The price, considering its length, should be close to Brand New World’s.

Now, to not making it a big impact on your wallets, I was thinking on putting this Patreon on hold for that month (so you won’t be charged here). There won’t be content delivered here during that period but I could use that time on working on some stuff on my backlog (there’s always plenty to do), or I could finally take that vacation I have been wanting, not really sure yet 

I could also just keep this Patreon on during that month if you think it wouldn’t make a big difference…

I would also like to know which month work better for you, the first date in mind was December, but then we thought maybe that’s not the best month to be expending because of the holydays… (also people will be focused on other stuff at that time)

So, maybe November? or January?

Thing is, I would like to make a more informed decision,
so your Feedback and opinions about this would be really appreciated!!! 

I also wanted to let you know beforehand, in case you’re interested on getting it :p

Sorry about the long post, and Thanks a lot for your time! <3

PS: I'll be sharing more information about what's the comic about soon :3



November wouldn't be missed, and I would like to see more full-length comics. In fact, I think that's what I was missing the most about the Patreon format, was that we kind of just left long-format projects behind in favor of continuing series and shorts/pinups. I'd be all for taking November off in order to finalize that one comic, and maybe getting caught up on other smaller projects.


November sounds fine by me.


I would like to make longer Comics... This is a problem I still havent found a solution to make it work with Patreon... but still looking


I remember buying Brave New World and then transferring over here. Hmmm....not sure ont he month. NOvember does sound best.

Bal tha mele

I love TGComics.com!! They are the mother's milk of TG fan-dom!!


Excellent to hear ! Long form is amazing, especially with your talent on cute-and-sexy-as-hell progression, as always. November sounds good to me.


I look at buying a completed long form comic as something different than paying for monthly updates of several projects. So I wouldn’t mind paying for both Patreon AND buying the comic on TGComics. As for when, well sooner is always better in my book so I’d vote for November!


I would be fine with pausing for one month in November to see the long form comic on TG comics. I love that website

Mike R Pen

I will most likely buy your new comic at tgcomics. As for Patreon, no need to cancel. A one-month hiatus doesn't bother me.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I pay Patreon to support you, so you can make more comics. I love all your long-form comics, and have bought all of your comics on TG Comics as well. I would love to see more long-form comics from you, either here or on TG Comics, so I will happily buy your new long-form comics on TG Comics, as well as seeing your ongoing stories, like Raan's Doll and ZOAT, your short comics and one-shots on your Patreon. I'm happy to keep paying to help support you, at the moment, even if you have a month where you don't publish anything new. Whatever works for you is no problem. It's an ongoing investment in good art and stories. I look forward to seeing your new comic soon.


I agree with Caitlyn and Kaffeyette, Patreon is to support you for your non-long form projects, and it's good to have you working, even with a break in November (many other artists do the same). We'll be looking forward to your new long-form project, and if you're feeling guilty just give your Patreon supporters a 5% discount or free shipping.