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Ok, I will have to own the stupid post I made last night…
I was drunk… being a problem lately and getting out of control these last months…
I’m sorry to make you deal with that…  I’m working on it…
getting frustrated doesn’t really help… but lately I get frustrated easily …

I really enjoy making TG comics, I doubt I will stop making them…
so I’m not going anywhere for now…  
but attacking you, who support my work, Is just not right and something that needs to stop.
I’m just boycotting myself…
I apologize but I have done that already, so not sure how much is worth…
I don’t blame you if you decide to leave now… but I’m aware I’m fucking things up…
I’ll try to do better…

tackling some of the answer from the last post:

Thanks to everyone for their concern, and no…I’m not stopping any sooner…
Maybe I might try some different stuff on the side someday,  but I really have fun making these comics…
And I know some of you  has made the effort to leave feedback…  thanks for that

You are right… if I feel I need feedback I will make sure to ask for it instead of just “waiting” for it… maybe make some posts just focusing on that as some suggested could be a good idea…
or look for another way to create a conversation since Patreon post are not really good for that…
will look into it

I know my Patreon is doing great, and I’m aware I’m ruining a good thing…
might take a break soon and try to put myself together… maybe I'll skip a month… but after Halloween since I’m really into the comic I’m making for it :o

I know you guys are voting with your wallets, which should be enough for me. That’s actually what Patreon is about

I do try to answer to the comments wen I can, but sometime is hard to say more than a “thank you” since all I get is an “I liked your work” :p
but as some of you said, that might be a good problem to have

Well... I guess this was more like a “general answer” to quickly make clear I’m not going anywhere, and that I will still pretty much appreciate your support if you chose to continue it.
I’ll do my part as well to stop being an ass and be more appreciative of your help c:

Now i will go personally answer some of the comments from the previous post
thanks again


Nichole O'Conner

Thanks for the post! Hope you feel better :)


Take care of yourself first and foremost. I don't consider myself more than an amateur artist but I'll be happy to leave feedback. Since your skill well exceeds my own I haven't felt it my place to offer unsolicited critiques.


For the record, it is understandable, the stress of having people donate over 6 thousand dollars to you each month expecting TG comics can get overwhelming. And saying things apart from 'thank you' to comments can be difficult. If you decide to take a break, then good for you. You don't want to burnout on the things you enjoy doing.


Sorry to hear that stuff is getting a might bit too heavy. Hope you can find a way through it soon. I live I Michigan and follow you on fb and Tumblr as warriorangelkin1 DM anytime if you wanna chat. I have a little bit of a background in psychology and may be able to help. More than willing to try btw. If not I completely understand. Just know that I am a HUGE fan and really hope you don't stop unless you absolutely have to. Raans Doll is really quite the appropriate depiction of how things are turning out in my life. The art and the writing(also art) is exquisitely executed and really do appreciate all that you are doing. Stay strong and know that you got a friend in me if you ever wanna reach out.


Thanks for the post :) appreciate it. Hope u feel better. Your work is amazing and so detailed. I love it all :) i'll try to comment more


If you're wanting fan engagement, you should try like polls or a live stream. Something that encourages more than passive viewing of the content. Like, off the top of my head, I bet most of your fans would love some kind of choose-your-own-adventure story, where the community votes on the path the story takes. Everything right now is largely you doing you and us enjoying it. That doesn't promote any back-and-forth like you're looking for. I don't see a problem in wanting it, but looking at other content creators that want that relationship, they actively seek it out. Live streams, polls, giveaways, etc. Maybe do an "Ask Me Anything" where fans can participate in a causal, DIY interview and get to know you. You're literally the only reason I keep my Patreon account active, btw. If you took a break, I'd be back when you came back. I ADORE your content and I've gotten at least one other friend hooked on it.


I understand where you are coming from on both posts. If you need help with your drinking I hope you find it. Been there myself and it's hard sometimes but I, for one, love your work and your honesty. I will continue my support and I pray that you can get yourself together. Your physical and mental health should always take priority and I would miss seeing your work but it you need a month off then that's what needs to be done and I will continue my support. Much love!

Ryuzaki Raven

im sorry for all this stress this is cousing you... if you ever need someone to lisen to then you got a person to lisen to here <3 your work is so inspireing and it has helped me alot. me whose gf is going through a transisions. you are the best and i love your work. pealse take carre of yourself as well <3 take a break if needed to. nothing wrong with that :) the people here suporst you and im sure everyone who follow you would love to help you. maybe you could do tutorials or streams? or step by steps? anatomy ideas? just something neat ofc its just and idea take care of yourself <3 and know we will lisen to you no matter what


I don’t want my comments to influence the direction of your comics since your art and storytelling is why I patronize. If you want opinions to help you decide your direction, have a poll. I would feel guilty trying to “steer” you toward one comic or another or the direction of the comic. I probably overestimate my personal influence but then again I’m seeing my own psychiatrist. Good luck and get help. Drinking doesn’t help at all as I know from my issues. I’m not sure I’ll ever beat my depression but at least I think I have battled it to halt the decline. TC friend 🤗 hugs


It’s all good, shit happens sometimes. Make sure you take the time to take care of yourself.


OMG please don’t stop Sammy is so me and I love how the character has changed and evolved. I would cry if you stopped now. You are an amazing artist and I love everything that you do.


People make mistakes, you're just a human. I like your art. I want you to keep making it. I also don't want to feel bad because I don't comment every time. You acknowledge you have a problem, that's good. I hope you can do something about it. I also hope to see more Raan's Doll.


S'ok. We all go thru periods like this. I have the same thing going in my head every time I look at my dA or tumblr. I get almost zero comments. And I admit, I tend to be passive here. Just subscribe and let my money do my talking.


I came across your work years ago, about the time you started Raan's Doll and followed you since then. And I will sure continue in the future. Simply because I love your art and the stories you tell with it. The last time you posted something similar I told myself to give a little more feedback on your stuff but most of the time it was just stuff like "This looks amazing!". Which I mean completely honest btw, your art is amazing and you have an amazing style! I am happy you decided to not stop too soon and I would happily wait for you to come back in case you need a break for a month. Or two. Or just how long you want and need!


Said it once, I'll say it again: creative people are high strung, especially concerning their own work. I like your work, especially its clean line work and subtle shading. This combination allows the imagination to flesh out the details realistically, especially on the feminine form.


Take the time you need. You should enjoy your work, if you don't enjoy it, then it's not worth doing. Thanks for explaining a little bit. After Halloween, maybe we see you again for some Christmas comics? Please try to remember dear Kannel, we care about you ❤️


Well good to know where that last post came from. If you are stressed or need a time out, that just go for it. Take a break, go on a journey, visit an other city or anything. that at least helped me to get my head free after i had a breakdown at work. But not only that. Let me make a suggestion: Eather do a short Q&A every so often. I think ther are some of use how would like to ask you some questions or make a focused feedback-post every month or so. No poll, no suggestion, just ask us directly about a comic or something general. Polls make for easy awnsers, one click and doen. Suggestions are rarely more than two lines. But ask us direktly and ther will be people how could write you essays. Well thats all from me. Please take care of yourself

Vivian Friedrich

Part of the reason for the lack of detailed feedback from your patreon fans, is that I don't feel expert enough to criticize or make suggestions. All I do know is that your work always surprises me and your character and plot development is unequalled. If you need time to get your life under control. Take it. We will be waiting patiently.


Hi Kannel, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind talking to me privately? Not necessarily about your art or what you’re doing, but I just think we might get along anyways. My email is crouchii@hotmail.com and my instagram is @kaileyaustin_insta so please get in touch! X


Man do I miss some events when I am at work, or my internet is wonky. And maybe some people putting beyond feedback and just having something interesting or beyond would be worthwhile. I am not so sure. Read this first before the other part.


Hi Buddy, I think I made my point clear in the last post's comments. Just to prolonge that: I don't like to be poked for not commenting but if you want to share problems or let us participate on your life: that would be great. Another thing: drinking destroyed my father from a successful and smart man to a smelly, broken guy who has no contact with his family, lost his two houses, was degraded several times at job and is now a lonely old man and and and. In my honest opinion: alcohol is a poison that is melting the sanity away and you should leave that as far from you as you could (if you feel to loose the control about it). There is no exception, no with-me-it-is-different, no I-can-stop-it-any-time-I-want. If there is the tendency you can stop it at the beginning easily or after you've taken the spiral downwards, lost big time and then it is only possible the hard way. I'd like to say something positive (and true) at the end of this comment: you are still a great basket for my money - for our money, because, if you checked it, even if all of us are more or less pissed about that former post: the balance is still the same. We are still with you. So maybe you consider the loyalty of us - your patrons - as a feedback as well. And, if my thousand other posts didn't reached you: I really worship your art and I do practice really, really hard to become as good as you (and Stan Lee and Stjepan Sejic). So, if you go through a valley at the moment: we are at your sides (and your back). Cheers GreyCore PS: I really would love to follow a Youtube-Channel of yours. Maybe that would be the fresh air you need at the moment. You could do tutorials, philosophical debates on TG-subjects, draw and stuff. You can do it already with a Smartphone (without expensive equipment, watch MikeyMegaMega). It would be also more accessible to me as a Twitch-Stream which I can't join because of the time difference. Win-Win


As for feedback I am always concerned about what I should comment *Shrugs*


Yes, precisely this. I have written stories for fictionmania before, no they aren't the same stuff :p. And so love to discuss this topic or writig in general. But, yeah a more proper place might break people out. I see alot of this is people afraid they aren't able to have the skill to critique.

Mark Wicker

Maybe have a specific post each week where you ask for feedback, like Feedback Friday or something. If you actually ask for feedback I for one would be more likely to give it. Usually I wouldn’t comment on your stuff because most of the time like you said my comment would just be along the lines of “love this!” Or “love your work” But maybe ask people what they think about specific parts of your art.

Standard Staples

Listen, take a break if you need to, we'll definitely understand. I might be overstepped my boundaries but I truly believe that non of us would be here if we didn't enjoy you and your work. I'll try to speak my mind more, but I'm not a critic, I like your work, I always have, and I think that you are doing fine when it comes to your work. If you want to try new things I'm all for it, and if you want to continue with your current stuff again I'm all for it.


I can't really add anything more than has already been said. I'll only echo those that have said your own well-being comes first. So do what you need to do to take care of yourself. And to add that I have no artistic talent so giving feedback isn't something I'm qualified to give, which is one reason I don't comment. The other (more relevant, if I'm honest) is that I tend to be a ghost online and not comment on much of anything.


I think maybe you are in depression, its normal in us, because multiple issues that affect us in some way, besides some persons in society doesn't accept us really much. I really hope that you are better, if you need some help, you can write to me, and we can find some kind of solution. Meanwhile, I hope this motto can be useful to you: "What if heavens falls" Think about that, you are stronger than you believe and you can face, alone or with help, any problem can arise. I give a real big hug and if you let me, of course, a big kiss, because you need warmth more than ever, kisses and hugs again!!


I could go on a long, long, long, LOOOOONG set of explanations and such, but let's get to the Teal Dear of it. There's help out there for you. Find it. Be clear and straightforward with your therapist and psychiatrist, if and when you find them. All meds are a fine-tuning process-if you feel like you're losing your ability to do art, tell your doctor. If they don't understand what's going on, find a new doctor. There are combinations that work, it just takes time. Alcohol consumption is usually a self-medicating option for creatives and similar people. Taper down both the quantity and quality of what you're drinking. DON'T cold-turkey unless your doctor knows and is willing to check up on you. Self-care is important. Don't hesitate to check other problems. I discovered that I had sleep apnea, and when I got onto a CPap, my writing output went WAY up. Don't worry if you miss a day, do worry if you start missing deadlines.


Hey Kannel, I hope you're doing well. I just want to let you know i love your work and think it's great. If you need a break or something then I'm ok with that. Hope you do well.


Wow, Kannel! Great content, keep it up. Proud of you.


Voting with a wallet could/should be enough to understand how popular your work is - I mean, you're legit rocking it in subscriptions. But that might not be enough for the sort of feedback that seems to drive your passion. And let's be honest, there's a limit to the amount of "new passion" that comes in with each new subscription after a certain point. They all love your stuff enough to pay but that doesn't have to mean you feel each subscription with the same impact. I hope you don't blame yourself for not *feeling* the love that dollars indicate others have. You're allowed to be like everyone else and not feel your thoughts. One challenge I think you face is that you are the driver in this community. That means you mostly define the community. So it'll be what you make it. It's not always easy to know what you need to fuel that passion, and even if you figure that out it's not easy to translate that into something. But I think if you figure that out a lot of people will jump on it. Hell you could even ask your subscribers what to do. And as a side note, yeah, booze tends to isolate. It'll prevent connection. If you want connection it's good to try to minimize the isolation and as hard as it is, it's important to reach back out - that rando only saying "good work" is reaching out to you.

John Smith

Using ellipsis to end every single sentence looks really unprofessional. Keep up the good work, though


hey thank you ver much for your words c: i dont intend to stop any sooner, definitively not before finishing Raan's Doll :p


Thank you! comments are allways aprecciated, but a like is enough if you feel like giving one... is useful for me to know that people is enjoying what im doing c:


thank you ver much! glad you like my work! :D i have considered a "chose your own adventure" thing... the closer i have is the ZOAT, but is hard to do wen you want to make a cohesive story... Streams is something i want to do more


Thanks! well i do intend to make some streams... but people isnt really interested on those either :p at least the last ones i tried...havent done one on a while


i mean... someday the story will end :p but i dont intend to stop before that c: thank you!


Thank you! yeah i definitely dont want my supporters to feel bad here... that was my bad and im sorry... you dont have to comment every time, but likes are always appreciated :p


thank you very much! honestly those "This looks amazing!" comments are those that keep me going c: so i aprecciate them!


he halloween one is coming a little long it seems... but ill sure find the time to make some xmas content c:


thanks c: I'm not really just looking for critiques or suggestions, just likes or "i love this" are the kind of things that makes me want to keep making stuff c:


hey! well my mail is kannelart@gmail.com, but i dont have an isntagram i usually tend to talk with people using discord too c: but to be honest im not really too talkative ;/


I'm really sorry to hear about your father, but you are right... I never had a problem with alcohol, but is affecting me now so Ill have to deal with it... I was a bout to ruin something good here becouse of that and thats not good...


well.. maybe feedback was the wrong word ... i do like those “love your work” comments as well... or even just a like, those are what make me want to keep doing stuff :/ But yup, im considering options c:


thank you! c: yup as i said, not stopping any sooner c: but might try some new things... well.. wen i find the time :P


being a lurker is ok :p but a like here and there is allways apreciated c:


thank you very much for your words c: Im one step away from looking for profesional help... will try to make some changes on my life, make some more sport, change my sleeping habits, be more disciplined... if that doesnt work and i fell again, ill look for help... but thank you for your words c:


Im really greatfull for all the support i get, but sometimes working a lot on a piece or comic and not getting much out of it it does affect me... So, yeah ... i will try to find a way so people feel more like engaging c: Thanks for your words !

Kaffeyette Lektor

Firstly, I'm really proud of you for 'owning' your comment and then going through everyone's responses and making a personalised apology and, “thank you.” That took courage, and a lot of time and effort that a lot of other people may not have had the strength to do, so you should be proud of yourself for that. It also helps us to understand that something else was going on, and allows us to forgive the tone of the ‘complaint’ comment, which it seems your supporters, including me, have done, overwhelmingly. I think we also now have a better understanding of the fuel that your artistic fire needs to burn, so we can help to stoke that fire and keep you running along happily, doing what we all love. Your art is amazing and no one here wants to see it stop, so if you share with us a little of what is happening when something is not going well for you, we can understand and not react emotionally to any issues that might arise. Much of what I feel has already been said by others, so I’ll just reiterate the important ones: You need to look after yourself first. If your alcohol use is getting out of control, and you are having changes in your behaviour and personality, it may be a sign that you are suffering from depression or some other medical issue. It’s not shameful. It’s just a chemical imbalance in the brain and there are many ways to address that. I had depression for years before I went and sought help. It affected my work productivity, my art and my general happiness in life. It’s a downward spiral that is hard to break out of without help. I would see someone sooner than later to be checked out, just to be safe. Taking a break and getting into a different schedule or location may help a lot to break the cycle that you might feel trapped in right now. It helped me, but I didn’t do it voluntarily. I lost my job and had to reboot my whole life. I think some people have made some really good suggestions about ways you can interact with your supporters, but one thing, I think, is that we need to know what will be happening a little more in advance. I have never been able to join in on any of the discord or lens events, because I didn’t know about them until after they were finished. Not everyone gets the time to check up on you every day. Maybe, if you are going to have events where people can tune in, you should give a bit more notice, or do them on a regular schedule each month, so people know a long way in advance when things will be happening and, they can adjust their own schedules to match up. Your supporters also seem to come from all over the world, so you may need to do things at different times so people in different time zones can join in. I think the streams, polls, surveys and Q&A sessions are all great ideas, but people need to know they are happening and may not be able to be involved every time, even if they are at a regular time each month. As usual, my post is getting overly long, but I just have one question. I posted a (very) long response to your last ‘complaint’, mostly trying to be constructive, and it seems to have been deleted. I’m wondering if that happened because I changed my subscription amount or if you were upset at what I wrote. If I have upset you, please let me know what I wrote that you didn’t like. I would love to interact more when I have the time, but I don’t want to be crossing any personal boundaries and as you can see, I seem to be completely incapable of making a short post.


I’ve been gone all weekend, so I just saw this. Kannel, no worries, we all trip ourselves up from time to time. Obviously I love your work, and respect you as an artist. You’re not going to lose your following. I can read between the lines and will try to post more often, give a thumbs up more often when I like what I see (which I always do). Just know you have my very best wishes.


hey thank you very much for your comment c: yeah I'm considering doing stuff, but my time is scarse lately... working kinda behind the schedelule as usual u.u so thats one thing that has keep me from it... the same with scheduling streams... that would be complicated and actually might work against my productivity (since i wont stream comics to avoid spoilers) ... so... i dont know about that :/ About your post, thats weird... I dont delete posts and you haven't upseted me with anything you said... so, i dont know what happened there...