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So, most are already aware of this...
but I was drunk and I have been on a "weird" mood lately...
not really sure what's the problem but working on it...
anyway, try to not mind this post, but ill keep it here anway as a reminder...



but reallyy... suck the lack of feedback--
i wanted to just keept this account...
but i will have to look for new audience...
hopefully one who engage more...


Steph H

Kannel, please don't do that. Your work is great!




Please don’t do that!!!!


Slow your roll, the lack of feedback is because you’ve been putting out nothing but gold. This is literally the first time I’ve ever comented on any of your stuff. I lurked on DeviantArt for a few years and then finally took the deep dive to Patreon like six months ago, and you were the first person I went to. There are already comments ahead of mine and it’s only been a couple minutes. Doing well so much that you rarely get critiqued is a good problem to have. Love you and have faith in you.


Yeah...please don’t stop. Sorry us lurkers are so antisocial. 😜


I appreciate your sentiment and the power of a gratifying audience. Truth is, your art is fantastic, your storylines are developing beautifully. Personally I think ZOAT could have ended a while ago, but I'm iontrigued with your last post. I'm not sure where Raan's Doll is headed, but again, the development is different and intriguing too. You are a great storyteller though, and I'm not sure if just switching audience will give you the gratification you're looking for. Trust yourself, trust your art, believe in yourself as we believe in you. Always do the things you love doing, don't do them because you expect a positive reaction from your audience. Give yourself and your art a chance. Here.


yeah, what JD said 1:1


What happened!?


Perhaps the lack of feedback is somewhat of a good thing. Everyone is happy so no need for the masses to rise up and revolt(comment). This frustration on your side Kannel has been recurring in the last month. What's up brah? You can talk to us as much as we can talk to you. If you want feedback or critique give us some direction. Many of us see what you create as amazing so if you think some art looks poor or a story is becoming a dud, let us know. Use patreon or the discord as a 2 way street.

Martin Lock

Things would get a bit hectic around here if all 1,472 of us commented on every new post... I think everywhere, the number of people who actually get involved and comment on things is a rather small proportion of the total readership. You are very talented, and we all enjoy seeing your new work, or we wouldn't be here.


I’ve a patreon if your for awhile now, I might not comment due to high levels of school work I have but, I always enjoy what you put out. Please don’t be down about not having feedback, instead maybe plan events like streams of you drawing or discord event times where people can talk to you directly to you during said times. Never be discouraged your work is bad, if it was we would answer in spades with words and our wallets.

Ryuzaki Raven

nownow.... we ll try harder just give us a chance?


I am Brazilian and I don’t comment, because I am always afraid of write something wrong and end up saying something different that what I was trying to say, but I really like your work.


Please don't stop, not all of us have time to comment all the time, but please Kannel, we love your work. I've been a patreon of yours for a while now, please don't stop!


Perhaps you do forget that many of your Fans aren't english speaking people so there english isn't fluent enough to write you what good Work you do?! Think about it.


Personally I’ve made an effort since your last similar post to leave more feedback. If you still want more feedback maybe doing polls is the way to go? Or just posting questions to us if your looking for something more specific. Honestly starting to be concerned for you, your spelling and grammar give me the impression you were drunk when you made this post.


Hello, completely new subscriber here, so I am not sure how much the community is failing you, but one thing is sure, we love your content!


c'mon, you are very talented artist. You draw one of the best comics i've seen so far and your work on facial expressions is outstanding. I've even registered here just to support you.


Okay so I don't know if there is something else happening in your life right now thats bringing you down or what but this time around rubs the wrong way. I'm not sure if you're looking for numbers of comments exceeding 100 or something but if we're going to just look at comment numbers, I've seen an increase of people trying to atleast give little chirps of encouragement and numbers being average 15-30 compared to the 5-10. Myself included, honestly I have not much else to say other than I love your art and I love your stories and I can never find a flaw in it myself. I'm poor at vocalising much else so I have my measly $3 extra dollars that I can afford to show some amount of extra appreciation. If its the lack of comments on the newest update (8 last I checked) its been up less than 24 hours, I haven't even gotten a chance to really absorb it and I can only imagine thats a similar circumstance for other followers who don't check Patreon super regularly. In the end, its up to you, if you find yourself truly unhappy making art for this audience, then I support your desire to move on elsewhere, you gotta do what makes you happy. But please dont make it sound like we all dont appreciate your work, because we do. Its cute yet sexy and beautifully done and we take a little bit out of our wallets each month to show that we like it that much. There's content out there for free, or even just waiting on your own work posted on deviantart, but we feel yours is above and beyond and its worth it to send money your way in hopes that it helps support you (yes again I know its a only lowly $3 but the sentiment is there).


I agree with Martin, and to add to that, what if you ended up with people arguing in your comments? Or someone just posting on every work something stupid like huge comment of just one letter? Or promoting their own work? As far as I’m concerned, the people that comment on your work always put a smile on my face or make laugh my head off.

Nichole O'Conner

I think it's a common thing on Patreon. I don't comment often but I like your content so I "vote with my wallet" so to speak. I subscribe to you with money and I often vote in polls, but I'm usually too busy to comment :/ Sorry, but I think that's the situation I'll be in...


An old cynic’s pov: I don’t think it’s about the current audience, this is just how people are. It’s much easier for us to engage passively, through wallets and likes, than actively sticking our necks out in comments. I used to write some years ago, (stopped due to lack of time, not interest, btw), and my experience was that if you wanted feedback, you had to ask for it. People are capable of it, but they need to get started, few will do that on their own. You’ve got a good thing going on here, both in numbers and in income. Don’t ditch that for a hope that things might be better elsewhere. I doubt it will be. That being said, I love your stuff, even enough to drag me out of the lurker-caves. I’m just an expert lurker due to shyness and lack of confidence in my english skills.


Well I don't usually comment on patreon or any kind of social media. But I like what you do. So whatever is making you down now, if people didn't like what you are doing they would stop paying or complain be stopping the pledge. So I think you don't need to worry and as I see that you have a Discord you should ask there. Usually people are more engaged to talk there. As of the improvements, I don't really see any. You are doing what I like: porn which has a story to follow, interesting and different drawing style (and gender bender stuff). Maybe do more of it? PS: I'm not a native english speaker so if you find something that is connoted that would do any harm, well it's not there on purpose.


Sorry. I dont really give feedback because it allways ends up being internilized as what I want, more than what would make it overall better. But your art and styke is allways so good that I never felt the need to comment on it


I don't comment on social media. I look at your art work and continue to subscribe. I do really like Raan's thread. I eagerly look forward to the future of it.


I really enjoy your work. What kind of continued feedback and comments do you want, other than continued patronage?


Ive been on your patreon for about a year now. After i saw the first costume party. Loved it and had to find the unedited version. Ive been a pledge ever since. Yours is the only one i subscribe to, so when that little p pops up on the notification bar. I know ive got something great waiting for me when i click it. I try to participate in all the voting, and have offered a few suggestions from time to time, but your work is amazing and I dont see any need to put in my 2 cents lol I'm more than happy to give you the little bit i can spare every month to keep you going and thank you for the amazing work. Please dont get discouraged we all love you. Just know every time that p pops up for us you're making our days. Even if we dont tell you.

Jason Muller

I'm a big fan but I usually don't comment on too much online. Please keep up the good work.


Hey Kannel, I think it’s best to look at your Patreon subscribers or whatever it is called as opposed to your likes and comments. Many people love your work, which is why we continue to pay to see it, but you have to remember that a lot of us, myself included, feel no need to comment as we are consistently excited to see your new work. If we liked and commented every time you uploaded anything, you might become dissatisfied with that too, so try and understand that while you are an amazingly talented artist and storyteller, your target audience isn’t going to be the loudest, it’s simply how and who we are. I hope you don’t take any negativity from this, and you should honestly be happy with your own work, so don’t get caught up in the fact there isn’t always a large amount of feedback, as we all do truly appreciate how brilliant you are. Just have a little more self confidence 😊


Hey Kannel, I like you and worship your comics! Unfortunately in the last weeks you annoy me more than I enjoy your posts. I replied close to every post of yours in the comments since the last whining and you are still unsatisfied. If you want a lot of feedback start a YouTube channel, but the relation you expect is simply not what Patreon usually supplies.

Andy M

I think the lack of feedback should be taken as the norm, not the exception. I’d love feedback over stuff I do, but unless I am sitting on someone desk, they are usually too focused on their stuff, to really engage. As mentioned, many people probably are voting with their wallet here to support their favourite artists and aren’t primarily using it as a feedback platform? BTW do you ever go to conventions?


I haven't read the other comments but I would not be surprised if what I say echos others. Patreon, for me, is about supporting creators financially to continue their work. Patreon, for me, is not about social engagement. I imagine most people might think the same as me. If I did not like your work I would not support you here. If I did not love your work then I wouldn't support you here. I am a fan of your work and you as a person in honing and perfecting your craft. For me, Patreon is about enabling creators to focus on doing what they do best. Social media is for social engagement of your work. Creating can be tough and knowing where to engage people in providing you with feedback about your content might be something to consider investing a portion of your Patreon income. Additionally: You currently have 1464 subscribers paying you over $6500 a month (ie, $78,000) to allow you to do what you do. Psychologically, I get the need for acknowledgment, I imagine one of your love languages is Affirmation. So, I wonder, how might you exchange expectation from your Patreons for gratitude? Which is less about minimising any dissatisfaction you may have been feeling and more about discovering the hidden gems you may not be seeing just yet in the opportunities you have here. If you still find yourself lacking, then you might find it useful to ask yourself what it is, specifically, what it is you want and then brainstorm ideas on how you can achieve getting what you need to do or think or receive, internally or externally, for feel whole and complete.


Then drop the account. Just remember, we dont pay to be told we suck for not dropping feedback, We are dropping coin, that's your feedback. Don't alienate your new audience.


I like your stuff thats why ive paid you for over a year of patreon, you have a following that lots of young artists would kill for. Id advise against dropping this account you make a lot from us but its your choice.


zoat is a msterpiece !!! a big epic tg comic !!! for all time

Daniel Haggarty

Grow the fuck up. You make more than triple what I make a month by drawing erotic images. I regularly recommend supporting your work on Patreon when people ask for quality content. If you make another whiney post you'll lose my financial support and my recommendation in the community. If you really want honest feedback, that is fine. Make surveys and ask specific questions relating to what you want feedback on. Ask us for help coming up with ideas, do more commissions. But don't berate your fans for not being critical enough. We are paying for you to be an artist for a living, which is a privilege not many people get the chance to have. You will lose that privilege and out support if you continue to blame us for whatever internal problems you are having. Figure yourself out, ask for specific help, and be grateful to the people who support your lifestyle.


You have over 1500 people throwing money at you, that's some feedback that you are doing something right. If you're feeling depressed then you need to seek professional help, but please don't blame us we are over 1500 reasons you should feel good about yourself.


Don't get it? I've sent you emails. Volunteered as a subject. Made suggestions. I got a very very brief "thank you". Ummmmmm maybe you need to be the one engaging. Do some commissions. Change the pattern.


I thought your art and stories were worth my limited funds and you attack us for believing in you and supporting your art....


Just because II don't comment doesn't mean I don't love your stuff. My monthly tribute should mean that I think it's worth my time.


We aren't paying for the privledge of gushing over your work and validating your feelings. Most of our investment is financial, not emotional. And beyond that, if you want people to continue to comment and critique it needs to feel like a two way street. If you aren't replying to anyone then they are going to stop bothering telling you their thoughts. If you feel like you need to throw away your source of income over not being worshiped as much as you like maybe you should. Or maybe a therapist can help you evaluate your needs. Right now, these complaint and appology posts are just going to lose you support and tell your followers that you don't care about their money as long as they fill your inbox with messages for you to ignore. The self sabotage is honestly getting a little concerning and frankly if this is going to be the norm, monthly complaints that we don't love you enough, I'll be gone in no time.

Standard Staples

Congratulations! You're finally getting the "feedback" you've always wanted! It's your fans pissed that you decided to attack them for not being engaged enough.

Standard Staples

This isn't twitter or facebook or some other site, this is patreon, your support, your "feedback" are the fans willing to give you money for your hard work.


Sorry I follow quite some artists online and I can't comment under every post :( I'm also not very creative when writing comments so it's basicly the same thing most of the time which is why I rarely comment under anything ^^ But I check your Patreon after work every day in hope of seeing more beautiful artwork from you <3


If you wanna quit what you are doing, atleast don't use the lack of feedback here as an excuse. If you wanna do things differently, I think you have quite an open-minded community right here on Patreon that will accompany you ! But keep in mind people can aswell be timid, and regarding the category of art you make, maybe it's quite intimate too, or atleast hard to discuss. I know you have put a lot of time through the years on that work, so you might feel it's alienating you. But again I have no idea who you are, how your mind works, how you react to things, so I'm not in a position, none of us are in a position to make decisions for you.... I thought my subscription would be something long-term. You've produced awesome art, a lot of it and I didn't think it could stop in this form anytime soon. Again I just joined the train so I'm no in the best position to represent the history of your community. Hear what the community has to say, to maybe in return clarify things to us on your intents, maybe your problems if your heart is willing. We can bring you warmth, but there has to be a spark beforehand, a clue, not a straw fire. Taking a break may be a solution -consult friends, family, specialists if you're not feeling right. Don't miss the opportunity to feel better if you think you're going a wrong path right now. My post is already too long I think but I just wanted to say that things just come and go, most of the time, so people can move on really really fast. You may not have bonded too much over the years, being anonymous like us all. People follow an idea, a why, and the person who exposed him- or herself to spread that idea.


Im just shy gimme a break over here


You are a great artist Kannel! Keep up the good work!


But that is why we PAY!!! I *LIVE* for my dose of Raan's Doll. Please, PLEASE, keep going.


yeah im there with you about the Zoat... i guess i was having fun working on it :p


i wont, and you shouldnt have to comment if you dont feel like, your already doing enough supporting my work... but ,thanks for this comment c:


i was... sorry about that.. still working on it :/ but thanks for your feedback c:


your right, im sorry for sending the blame to you guys... it was my bad... thanks for the support c:


well your english sounds great to me... mine isnt that good either anyway :P your right about having a good thing going on here, thank you for the support!


your right about that, maybe i should focus on patreon for feedback ... anyway, thanks for the comment c:


that should be enough... sorry for asking for more than that ... and thanks for the support c:


i mean any kind of feedback is wellcome... but i was honestly just looking at numbers last night... sorry about it, and thanks for your patronage c:


yeah i know i have been annoying this last weeks or months... ill try to do better ... thank you c:


yeah, your right about that. i should stop expecting feedback or find ways to ask for it conventions? i do, usually comic or anime related, but as an observer- not as an artist :p


nah i was just an idiot... might try to do something different at some point, but i doubt ill stop making tg comics... i do actually enjoy making them


Im aware i was talking nonsense, but you shouldn’t have to deal with this... thanks for giving me another chance, ill do my best this time... I’m not happy with what i have become either...


i was just being and idiot and i know ill need to work on that or find some help... sorry anyway


yes i know... and im worried about it too... ill try my best but who knows... if people leaves it will be just my fault... anyway, all i can say right now is sorry


thank you very much c: you should not feel obligated to comment and it was wrong of my part to ask for that, sorry


im considering a break, maybe at the end of the year ... not really happy with myself right now so ill work on improving myself ... anyway, thanks for the comment c:


So you were drunk when this was written? Ya need more hugs. Yes hugs help out with these kinds of thing.


In the end we want you to be happy doing this, and at the same time fitting with us too. Feedback topics. I swear that's a solution.


You have so many ways to engage with fans! TG is a very flexible fetish. You can explore almost any topic you want. You've done outer space, at school, adult life, etc... I'd be happy to see you take more creative risks with story ideas. And, based on this post, I'm sure the community will let you know what works and what doesn't. So far we all think your choices have been great! AND, if you want to stop creating for a while that's fine! You can "go on hiatus" on Patreon. It will stop charging us while you're away and resume when you start creating again.


Before i start i just wanna say that i don't say this to be hateful or mean but it's honestly how i feel. My feedback is that you're taking quite a long time to release Raans doll. Idk about everyone else but i subscribed to see that. I've cancelled and re pledged on and off just to see I'd there's any updates on it and most times it doesn't seem like much. You have other great work such as "Brand New World" and "The New Order" which was really great but you don't seem to be interested in doing a sequel. The point I'm trying to make is I pledge to see Raans doll but it seems like we get very little of it. I wish you'd do more updates for it rather than these small comics and sequences. I've followed your work way back before patreon, on deviant art and tgcomics and I've enjoyed seeing your work progress. Again I hope my comments don't come across as mean, but rather my feedback on things. Anyway...I do enjoy your work and i wish you the best.


I don't want to keep saying this but like many others I like your much varied work and styles . You are the only artist I follow and yes I don't leave feedback , that's because I felt what I said was ignored anyway . I will keep supporting you as I really like all the stories you do .


Some people enjoy Kannel's other work just as much as Raans doll, and perhaps Kannel needs a break.


yes thats a good feature i was considering to do that next year... but might be good to do it sooner :p thanks for your words c:


Yeah i understand that ... i do answer every time someone ask something ... but i cannot really answer every "good work" comment... i mean i could say "thanks" but that would grow old quickly i think :/ thou the "good work" ones never grow old c: :p


Ok fair point well made .. We all reach a point of tiredness and yes I see how our expressions of appreciation will help .. hugs Kannel ..


Im not saying i don't enjoy Kannel's work. I'm simply giving the requested feedback on what I've seen since Kannel created a patreon page. Im confused on why you'd have to pay twice to see Raans doll? Why not just do different tiers? First tier is the basic plan which is the lowest pledge price and it includes Raans doll and that's it. Then as the tiers go up in price, it includes more content.

Sonic Sophie

Stay with it hun most of us are shy and retiring but we're all here loving your work xxx


Maybe if you didnt raise your already high prices people would be more inclined to give you feedback.


havent raised them... you get access to all the comics on your tier. those wo pay $5 or more get extra stuff like access to the polls, suggestions, sketches, sneakpeeks and that kind of stuff