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Time to move on from my previous post,
So here I bring you some small preview/sneak peek from a one shot comic coming tomorrow! :D

Mild spoiles, pretty much just the set up i guess :p

link: https://i.imgur.com/TuuHbbq.jpg

I might upload the process for this one too,
but after uploading the final piece




Love your one shots and the setting! Cant wait!


Hunter becomes hunted? 🤞

Ryuzaki Raven

Nice! I cant wait yo see the finied piece :)


Witch hunter to Witch? One can hope.


I am very much intrigued. Can't wait to come home tomorrow and read. I'm sure it will be yet another masterpiece! :D


Now Kannel this looks so exciting cant wait till tomorrow ..


Oooh this one is gonna be spooky style I think.


oooo cant wait!

Blue Dragon

I like where this is going.

Danger Dan

This is exciting, I'm intrigued.


You know what you could do to get more input from us. Straw poles... I've seen other patreons use it with alot of success. It allows you to ask for feed back in a simple manner. And those of us that usually to busy to type a reply can vote easily and quickly

Kaffeyette Lektor

Goldilocks with a crossbow? Can she be too hot?