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So much for the event, seems like Raan's mind is somewhere else :p

There were just 2 pages left so I'm uploading the full strip version,
I'm also including a zip file with each pages if you prefer it that way c:

The comics updates will be something like this from now on,
maybe will look like less updates during the month... but they will be more beefy :)

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/dJdDcAj.jpg

Comic Database:




I prefer getting the whole comic at once. Now go on Raan, introduce Sammy to your purchases!


Looks like a good time tonight is in store for them, though the first training is usually Rocky XP

Morgan Allsing

Lovely! I like how they slowly builds up their relationship to come to this point. Still respecting each other’s wishes, taking it slow. Great job, Kannel!


Excellent work Kannel! This is still my favorite comic! That and ZOAT!


Fantastic work as always Kannel. I have to say that this series and the Insta-Cosplay series are my favourite series produced by you.


When I read the last panels I thought: 'Finally!' I hoped sooooo long now that they would come to a Dominant/submissive thing. Good thing! Thanks!


I hope there’s a strap-on in there. Raan seems to enjoy thrusting like her drunken dream and doin’ the rockin’ on top the first time she dressed Sammy. Is Sammy going to grow her hair long enough to be styled? I think she would look cute being feminine around the apartment but not all dolled up like for a party. She should rock the hair bow Raan gave her the first time. She should have fond memories of that! Night gowns and adorable slippers. Also turn that appointment into a love nest. With two lovely girls living there it shouldn’t look like a man’s place :) Thanks for the update K.


Love that Sunstone (comic) background cameo!


Love it!


I really appreciate all the hard work you put into Raan's Doll. I love it and can't wait to read more of it.


rawr I cannot wait to see them finally do it.


Thank you soooooooooo much 😊🙌💕✨

Marina V

After all the tension in the air, it's nice to see Raan and Sammy communicating. That event is probably a bit overwhelming for both of them, but it looks like they've both found some inspiration. They're sure to have some interesting things to experiment with now.


OOO! What's in the bag? Should be fun. Great as always.


Shan and nessy though 😍

Mika W

I love how playful they are. :-)




I personally kind of prefer regular small updates since less felt wait time, but the big updates definitely have a certain satisfaction to them since we get to just take it all in instead of little drips here and there.


this is getting spicy ^^ Love this direction!


Oh man...I really want to see some naughty stuff about Shan, such a baby....pls make a small parallel story! lol like just a few pages to fulfill our needs and history background...would be so lovely!...the art is beautifull and sexy as always Kannel!!!


I'm sorry If I've asked this before, but is there a character page for Raan's Doll? I have a hard time keeping up.


updates please