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I havent been on a good mood lately...
but i usually try to do my best to stay in a good mood and motivated...
or at least to keep the negative side away from this place.

As pointed out as many, I really shouldn't be complaining... after many years i'm finally able to make a living doing what i like, and that's possible just because of your support.

Also i shouldn't be asking for comments and stuff... you are already showing your support with your wallets and that's amazing and should be more than enough for me... 

Anyway, for some reason I'm still on this weird mood...  but trying to get better...

So... i will still consider making a few changes on how some things works on this patreon... they should be for the better i hope... at least on the long run...

I will start by uploading pages on batches
(sometimes a whole episode or sometimes 2 to 3 pages depending the content) ... i usually upload around 7-8 comic pages per month... if they are not enough to finish an episode, ill finish uploading it the next month...

Maybe this will encourage more feedback, since there will be more stuff to talk or comment about... and that would be a plus for me :p

anyway... sorry for being silly,
and thank you again for your support!
specially the moral support! c:

love you all! <3



Creo que es más fácil escribirlo en español porque eres de Chile. Realmente adoro tus dibujos y entiendo que pases por mal momento. Descuida, te apoyamos y sigue adelante. ❤️


Hey hey, sorry to hear you're having to deal with a crap frame of mind. It's normal for people who deal with that to lash out sometimes. Sorry I don't leave much feedback, but for reals your style is amazing and well thought out. I wish I had that kind of talent!


You’re not being silly. Almost every one has those times of being insecure, maybe depressed a little or a lot. It’s better to tell someone (or everyone) than to suffer alone. You help us with your art let us help you feel secure in our appreciation and our hearts. 😘


It's not unreasonable to want feedback, but its important to know that in fetish art, people just want their quick fix. For me, I'm not super into the crossdressing so rann's doll isn't my main interest, but I like your style and side projects which is why I support you


I'd suggest doing more polls to get a feel of what people are interested in.


No need to be sorry, happens to us all. 👍


My advice? All artists are temperamental and compare their work to the response it gets. Looking for validation is natural. I was a TF artist for 10 years, and I've been there. We all have snits and fidgets and frustrations about the process, its rewards, validations, or lack thereof. That's natural, but fans don't get that there's a significant investment of the self into the work. Therefore, few fans if any will really understand. That too is natural. The best approach for me now in every creative endeavor is to keep that investment as a private relationship with the work, like an intimate friendship, warts and all, and to treat everything external as icing on the cake. I hope this perspective helps.


Believe me I understnd. I write for Fictionmania and it can be a pain to spend months of effort and then see no one respond. It's rather annoying. Just know we do all support ya, in many different ways. And questions to be answered might help. *Shrugs*


And just for another view I especially love seeing Raan and Sammy. Everybody needs some support, shouted out loud here and there. LOVE YOU AND YOU WORK, KEEP AT IT!.


Love you Kannel! You are the bestest!

Makeshift Razor

It happens sometimes. I'll be trying to remember to comment more. ^_^ I really appreciate your art. Following Rann and Sammy can make my day, and gets me through rough patches. Glad to support, and even if we are quiet, it's likely in awe.


I understand how it is. I write and when you spend so much work and don't get many comments or any comments it can be frustrating. We are all here for ya, and I guess more questions at the end of the work, bundles together, and maybe something on input is always helpful.

Ryuzaki Raven

Everyone has a bad epesode every once in a while. im sure lot of us willl think and comment more in the future. Love &lt;3

Lg... life is Good

Your work isn't just amazing, its life changing. My girlfriend got me onto your work and it was your work that helped give her the confidence to go through her gender reassignment surgery, to help her except parts of her self that she hid and where afraid of. I know some times life feels like a downward spiral of shit, but your work actually has had a huge positive impact on at least 2 peoples life, I hope that is some kind of consolation, and gives you some of the pride and feeling of love that you deserve.


We are all entitled to feeling down Kannel, both as creator as consumer. I thought your post was quite humbling, I've always seen creators as far away, somewhere on the interweb. A very inpersonal connection. The fact that you care and have breakdowns shows so much of your character. I think that's also what shows in your comics. And you bring me much joy and wonder with your comic, only now I think you might need that wonder too! You still portray this lifestyle so well, and you show the kink community in such a good light. I so wish I could show you around. :D


I haven't considered your former post in a bad way. I thought/think you have the right to demand more feedback from your people. Your characters show your empathy and insight, it's just natural that there should be more connection between us. I just think the way we interact with each other depends on the nature of our relationship. We as readers and worshippers miss to give you the feedback you deserve, not because we wouldn't care - we do! A lot! I really really can't miss Raan's Doll when I am down. We just do not consider our role as so important for you as artist (I think). If you're down at the moment: we really appreciate your work and the heart you put in. We do love your Comics and I think the best description how much you mean to us is that we worship you for the way you guide us into alternative realities were we all love to be.


Your lighthearted approach to the Kink community is So deliciously sweet and fun at the same time, you tread lightly and we seem to know in the back of our minds to or For Sam and Sammy, but then you take a left turn into something new, Yet Gentle. You Do What you love and love what you Do, and your artwork is WELL worth the wait. I have BEEN in the Community where a lot of Spanking and aftercare to help me work out the problems of my past have been accepted. It is Not hardcore BDSM and yet we some how anticipate that one Night, hopefully Soon, that Sam/Sammy is either going to be Bent Over for a Spanking OR a Strapon and you Draw it out so Deliciously like a Candy-maker making Salt water Taffy...

Nichole O'Conner

Glad you seem to be doing better! I'm looking forward to this year's halloween post ^^


All da love. Keep up the good work.


You know what, I'll file that rant under "having a s**t day" and offer to take you out for a beer (or similar beverage of choice) and hear all about it.


Has the bad mood been consistent? If yes, you might want to speak to some very good friend or a dear family member. Usually talking about your problem who your love ones help. If the bad mood persist, you might want to seek council from professional, psychologist. I have meet up with some and some topic are better to discuss with a professional, rather than your love ones. I like how you made some polls and ask us to recommend some ideas! We love an interactive opportunity. You can do that more often~ Keep up your good work!


We're here for you and we're glad you're here. Your comics and art always make me smile.


Hey just wanted to let you know I love your work. Sorry if I'm not more responsive but keep up the great work.


You're an artist and you struggle with your inspiration. As long as you're not starting to think about cutting off your ears. No pressure, we support you because of your imagination, skill, and beautiful art, not because how well you manage to please your supporters. You're fine.


Your art rocks sorry i dont usually comment.


Your art is amazing. Keep it up!