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For those who like to watch these c:   

I might start doing this with comics as well since I will be uploading them on batchs from now on (at least for the near future). Well... as long as they don't spoil anything :p   

PS: I wont be uploading the image directly to avoid spoilers for those who dont want them, but you can check the link or download the attached file if you want to check the preview.

PS2: Well... Patreon wont let me attach an image today...
       but you can check the link :p 

link:  https://i.imgur.com/D0BwRzt.jpg




looks very intriguing. I love it


Oh, hello! I'll be looking forward to this one.


Looks interesting


It appears that I completely missed this Fatal-Cuty thing or the game it is based on. But I'm allways happy to see new stuff.