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It's time for you guys to decide who is going to be Karla's Dream Daddy! :D
Ok, doesn't need to be a "daddy" but you get my meaning!

Now, the Zoat is capricious and won't let her have the perfect match (who does anyway?), so he does have to have some few flaws per each advantage. For instance maybe a really good and caring guy would be poor and not really good looking, while a rich guy might be a really bad and abusive person....

Now... I just gave 2 examples but I'm sure there are lot more possibilities!
The flaws doesn't need to be too bad, the advantages doesnt need to be too good either! the more creative the suggestions the better, actually!

So, who do you think would make a good Dream Daddy for Karla?
and for the girls too! since he sure will have some impact on their lives as well!

now... a few rules as usual

- Just one suggestion per person!
- you are free to comment on other's suggestions
- the suggestions with more votes and get more chances to be chosen
 (but the final decision is mine)
- I'll chose a few of the suggestion, that will make it to the poll!

My mind if running wild with ideas already! xD  but i'll better keep them to myself and leave the responsibility to you!  

The future of Karla (and the girls in a lesser amount) is in your Hands!

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Crazy sam10

As a humorous flaw he might be allergic to rabbits. So every time he comes in to contact with her ears he starts sneezing and such uncontrollably.


Question: does the new "daddy" have to be a man? Can we suggest another futanari? Or maybe even a trap?


flaw: works a dead end job and limited education advantage: strict but caring, decent on the eyes


Karl's ex turned to a guy with ahem.....lady parts


Well Karla has bunny ears so in my opinion the only choice is the Easter bunny from previous comics. Also it would be nice to see a peek of what the newest bunny recruit is up to. Is she still enjoying laying eggs? 😂😍💖


My suggestion is along the lines of joko. I say a guy that used to be a woman who went through the zoat. She turned into all man but, kept the downstairs lady parts. They would have plenty to talk about. He'd be a big strong man with a great job, but he would be super emotional due to the lady parts.


Speaking of laying eggs, is that how Karla is going to deliver? I am only asking because she's a futa, and it seems like the baby/offspring will be arriving soon. I'm just curious for its own sake how that's going to happen.


Strong man who borders on abusive and screws around other


Okay, after some careful consideration, I've come up with my suggestion. Please bare with me, I like being as descriptive as possible. Like my earlier questions suggest, I came up with a futa, let's call her Jane. Jane has a very athletic body, and long supple legs, but her breasts aren't that big. She was a famous athlete with many endorsements, but suffered through the ZOAT which gave her a VERY well endowed penis. Because of that, she was forced to retire from sports because she was not considered to be a "full woman". Jane's whole life was centered around sports, had no time for relationships, now she has all the money and time in the world, and a mega-sized dick, with nothing but pent up sexual aggression and nothing to release it. Then, like an answer to a prayer, she saw Karla in all her milf glory walking by. Jane's flaws are that she is very bossy and domineering, and refuses to not have her way with almost everything, and isn't above intimidating people. But she's quick to apologize if she goes too far. She's also a very aggressive lover, she's not used to gentleness and prefers to go hard with lots of yelling, biting, even chains and whips. Maybe Karla can teach her more about gentleness and how to be more loving.


I was thinking that you'd want Karla to be able to use that dick of hers in some way. So how about a reverse ZOAT? Where maybe a buxom and voluptuous party girl got turned into a stern and domineering wallstreet type. She has the body of a lean and muscular man, but with a bit more feminine facial features and has somehow maintained her vagina. She sees Karla with the body that she used to have and is jealous of her. So she takes out her frustrations on her during their lovemaking.


I'm just the new guy on the block, but I'm going to throw out my own idea and see how that goes. I kind of got the idea from Mario Salazar and Kuro7, so thanks to both of you. The idea I've got is that Karla's "daddy" looks a lot younger than she does, almost a little younger than her daughters. Let's say his name is Jason. Jason was a powerful business CEO nearly in his fifties who was feared and respected, and known to have a voracious sexual appetite. Then he went through the ZOAT and it reduced him to the body of a young teenager, but remained an adult where it mattered, (wink-wink). After that, he was removed from his seat as the CEO because no one on the board would take him seriously when he looked like he belonged back in school, and his cute young looks made it impossible for him to intimidate anyone. Now Jason's retired and has nothing to do, and he's pretty lonely. And because he looks so young, no woman believes him when he tells them his age, so now he's pretty lonely and sexually frustrated. That's when he sees Karla and notices she has the same look of loneliness and frustration he does. My thinking with one of Jason's flaws is that he is pretty bossy with high standards because he used to be a business mogul, and he gets easily irritated when people don't meet those standards. His other flaw is his sexual desires. Even before the ZOAT he had a very exotic sex life. Now Jason has the sex drive and hormonal urges of puberty that he can't control and the carnal knowledge of an older man, making him an out of control sex animal. That's my suggestion. What do the rest of you think?


I like it. The thought of Karla calling someone who looks so much younger "Daddy" sounds funny to me. I can picture both of them walking and holding hands, maybe kissing in public, shocking people who see it, and causing a massive scandal.


I was thinking late 20's cute guy who could be super nice and sweet but also kind of manipulative. A bit of a player who also flirts with Karla's girls causing jealousy and drama for the three girls.


I honestly wna to see her fall for an older guy. They were about college age when they were transformed. Maybe one of her(his) former professors? Older, handsome, well endowed, but a bit of a philanderer. Maybe he's more interested in her as a science project (A transsexual pregnant bunny girl?) Maybe he convinces her to fall for him, only for him to lock her in a cage to observe her giving birth, however that might happen. It's always been my assumption that the ZOAT doesn't much care for happy endings for it's victims, so it would be fitting for Karla to wind up in a cage giving birth, hopefully through her still intact male appendage, or just through her anus. Maybe her girls eventually free her, or maybe they wind up captured to, only to end up as sex slaves in the demon realm where that first transformee ended up.