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Thank you so much everyone!!!

Your support really means a lot to me!!!
Thanks to you I can continue working doing what i love most!
and you can keep getting more content from me!!!
win win situation!!! (i hope you feel the same!) :D

Now, I wasn't expecting to reach this goal this soon!
I was actually thinking about changing it... :p
but ill use this chance to ask you guy what do you think!

so, as it is now, my idea was to find an artist with a style similar to mine, or maybe diferent but that i like, to help me making another comic. My plan was to make a script and then make the sketch comic and gave it to someone to finish it (lines, colors, background and all). 

But lately im not really sure about this choice... i'm not really sure how i feel about working with someone else, and i don't have anyone planned to ask about this either...  

So the other option is for me to work on that new comic on my "spare time" or when i just don't have much work to do... I might be able to work on a couple of pages per month (deppending of the month)... so...it might take longer that the previous choice, but not by much since as it is now, i wont be able to pay more than a couple of pages per month to an artist anyway...

Well, as i said I'm not really sure about the choice I should make, both have their adventages and disadventages...

So, i would like to know your thoughts about this!

Would you preffer for a new comic to be made by me (even if it might take longer?)

Or would you preffer more content, were the original idea is mine, but made by other artists!?

Now there is just so much i can do, so at some point i might need to look for help, just not sure if now is the moment. maybe for the next goal?

anyway, let me know,
and thanks a lot again for your support!!!
love you <3
(and sorry for the long post :p)




I've always been a quality of quantity kinda fellow so I say more comics please!


i enjoy your work and dont think it would the same if another artist did any of the work so i would like to see it just from you, no matter the time required to get it finished


I think and yes I do sometimes . You have a talent thats so unique I cant see how anyone else can do this for you . I have seen some of the copies of your work , they dont have your heart and feel . So please Kannel take that bit longer and give us the work that is so good . hugs xxx.



Odessa Renette

First off congrats for reaching your goal. As for your decision, patience is a virtue that I do possess, and I am willing to wait for your art, after all, it's what got me here supporting you in the first place


I like the idea of a new comic. But whatever you are comfortable doing. And you might change things back and forth over time. Collaboration, team building, and growing of one's 'company' is nothing new. Just got to do it right. I still think Raan's Doll would sell really well if it were redone as a graphic novel. Good luck. 😊


Congrates! Personally I think really like your unique style of art and am happy to wait so I suggest you just do the comic yourself. Keep up the great work!


Hire Nobodyinparticular! Art is soo good, but needs someone to feed him stories.


Youre tg transformation absolut sexy and amazing good

Jessica T

I think working with a different artist would be good, because it would allow you to be free to create more lovely content of your own &lt;3 Also, keep up the great work with Raan's Doll, because that was the biggest reason I came on here! &lt;3


I think here everyone can wait for your arts becouse work with other artist means that it would not be only kannel and this is why we are here, for your arts


I´m pretty sure, that aan other artist won´t be good. Because "Kannel" it´s you and your style.

Nichole O'Conner

I think either way works fine, but you should do what you're most comfortable with. If you're not sure about working with someone else, then work alone at your own pace!


It can be uncomfortable to relinquish full creative control and all the management aspects that comes with it but from my experience it can be a very rewarding process if you can find the right partner/partners. I recommend that you consider trying out some potential artists and take it from there. Congrats


Do what you feel is right. I support you regardless of any goal :) I enjoy your ideas and your artistic style, so I'd be completely on with you just taking yourself more time to get more content done


I suppose it's better to wait for a comic totally made for you. It's the old story about quantity over quality, and I prefer quality like everone else. But if you feel like it, one comic drawn by another artist for testing purpouses wouldn't be a bad idea. If you (and we) like the outcome, then yes, you should think about it in the future. If this doesn't make sense, just take your time. Your work is fantastic and it will be apreciated whatever time it takes to complete.

Old Dragon

Either way I will likely enjoy whatever content you come up with, however my personal opinion is do it yourself and take whatever time you need.


Congrats on reaching your final goal! Maybe have an artist ink and color a couple of simple sketches as a sort of test just to see how you feel about working with someone else?

Martin Lock

Bringing in an artistic collaborator probably won't save as much time as one would think, as communicating one's intentions to and fro would take a bit of effort. But rather than getting an imitator, how about investigating 3D/CGI? People like SturkWurk seem to do quite a lot of collaborating... A fan of my old "Barbarienne" comics brought in a CGI guy for a story we co-wrote, and while the effect was rather different from what I'd been used to, it did work, I thought!

Sonic Sophie

I'm always here if you need me hun xx


The main draw for a lot of us is your artistic style and talent. While collaborations would be awesome and a great place to go from here, I don't know if they'll be received as well by the community at large. Personally, I'd like to see more one-off comics and sequences instead of another long-format comic, and it's going to be a lot easier to collaborate with those than it will be to collaborate over another Raan's Doll.


In the mid-to-long-term, you might try forming a community for TG/TF artists! You can all cross-promote each other's work and collaborate on cool new projects. Reach out to your peers and start talking about it- I guarantee some form of organization will turn out well in the long run.


If you don't really know how to work things out, I can always help out with that. I know a couple artists (not personally, just for clarification) that might consider joining such a collaborative, and I'm sure that once communication is established, the other aspects will come more easily.


It's really up to you, you should do what you think is best. Personally, I wouldn't mind reading a comic written by you and illustrated by somene else; but like Sylvrwolflol says, your art is a big part of the appeal, so I'd prefer one done entirely by you, even if it means fewer updates. Quality over quantity. Just don't try to promise something you can't deliver... Oh, and congrats!